As I looked out over the flowing water and gorgeous landscape, a sense of total contentment descended over me. It was such a welcome feeling, and not one I was very familiar with. But since moving to Firefly, I had started to acquaint myself with it. I could barely believe that this was my life.
If someone would’ve told me that I’d get into the pickup truck of a man I barely knew but had slept with twice without knowing where I was going, I would’ve said that they were mistaken. If someone would’ve told me that I’d get a piggyback ride in a Michael Kors suit to a picnic in the middle of nowhere when I had a brief due in the morning that I’d yet to finish, I would’ve told them they were bat-shit crazy. If someone would’ve told me that I would inhale three pieces of cold fried chicken and a half pint of potato salad without stopping to breathe, I would’ve said they were delusional.
But, here I was. Not only had I left work, I hadn’t asked Billy where he was taking me or when I would be going back. He’d told me to jump on his back, and I’d hopped up without giving it a second thought. When he opened the picnic basket, I’d greedily grabbed the drumsticks, because I’d always preferred them to thighs or wings.
Who was I? And why did I feel more myself sitting here with Billy, on land that he owned and was going to build his dream house on, than I could ever remember feeling?
Wondering what Billy might be thinking, I stole a glance over at him and saw that rather than taking in the view and enjoying the scenery as I’d been doing, he was looking at me. The expression on his face and in his eyes stole my breath. There was such longing there. To be the object of that kind of emotion knocked me off balance. I craved it, but at the same time I didn’t know how to handle it.
I smiled wide, needing to break the intensity of the energy between us. I couldn’t quite think of what to say, so I went with a joke. “So, is this your go-to move? Bring a girl out to your beautiful piece of land and dazzle her with a picnic lunch you packed yourself? I mean, it’s a good move, don’t get me wrong. You must have a pretty decent success rate with it.”
I popped a grape in my mouth to punctuate my teasing deflection.
Instead of playing along, though, Billy reached out and ran his fingertips down the side of my face. I was really starting to love when he did that. He cupped my chin in his hands. His touch was so gentle.
“You’re the first woman, hell, the first person I’ve ever brought here. I’d never use this piece of land as a cheap seduction ploy. It’s personal. This land is my heart. It’s me. It’s special, just like you’re special.”
My stomach flipped over and my throat constricted with emotion. I wanted to respond to him with the same kind of beauty his words had held. I wanted to match his level of raw honesty, to find the perfect words to show him my heart, the way he had just shown me his.
What I managed was a breathy, “Oh.”
“Plus, come on. Do you really think I would need to do that? It’s not like I’m Hank.”
“Your humility is staggering.” I teased, happy that he’d managed to do what I’d failed at and break the tension.
He grinned.
I was just settling back to enjoy the lazy afternoon when I looked down. Slithering beside me was a large snake.
The next few minutes passed in a blur.
There were screams.
I launched myself onto Billy.
My arms and legs wrapped around his body like a spider monkey on a tree.
I clung to him like my life depended on it, because it did.
“It’s okay.” His soothing voice did little to calm my nerves. “He’s gone.”
“Are you sure?” My eyes were shut tightly and I was wondering how fast he’d be able to carry me back to the truck.
“Yes.” He continued to move his hand up and down my back in comforting strokes.
As the adrenaline coursing through my veins began to fade I realized how ridiculous my behavior was. I was still hugging him and my body was practically adhered to his. “Sorry, I just hate snakes. Spiders, I can handle. Heights are a breeze. But snakes? Nope. No sir, I hate snakes.”
“Really? I never would’ve guessed by the death grip you have me in.”
“Oops, sorry.” I smiled sheepishly as I loosened my grip and leaned away from him. I was straddling Billy’s lap as I stared into his eyes and I had zero desire to move.
He continued running his hand up and down my back and the sensation served to channel my anxiety into arousal. A second ago, I was ready to ask Billy for another piggyback ride back to the truck, but now a different sort of desperation filled me.
“Do you think it’ll come back?”