I feel so helpless, unsure of how to help her get that light back. When I’ve tried in the past to bring it up to her, she always pushes me away, so lately I’ve stopped bringing it up. The last thing I want is to push her completely away—she barely comes around as it is—especially when I have a feeling that one day she’ll need us. No judgement. And when she’s ready to talk, I’ll be here.

“Did Nick tell you?” Olivia says, breaking me out of my thoughts. “He signed with the publisher on his third romance novel.” She beams proudly.

“Congratulations!” I tell Nick. “Look out Nicholas Sparks, there’s a new Nick in town.” Everyone laughs.

“I’ve decided to retire,” Killian says. “Giselle and I are expecting again, and I would like to be home more with this baby.” Everyone congratulates them, and Jase gives me a look. There’s a good chance Giselle and I will be having our babies close to the same time. I don’t want to get my hopes up, but I’ve been feeling queasy all day.

“Oh my God!” Olivia exclaims. “You didn’t tell me you were pregnant.”

“We just hit twelve weeks. We were waiting.”

“You know I don’t count!” She laughs. “We’re expecting too! I’m eight weeks.”

Giselle laughs with her. “And you’re giving me crap? You didn’t tell me either!”

As everyone is congratulating them, I notice Quinn sneak away. Concerned, I tell Jase I’ll be right back. Jax, who’s been sitting off to the side with Willow snuggled in his lap, watching the kids play, notices her leave as well. He looks like he’s about to lift Willow off him to get up and check on his sister, so I give him a small nod to let him know I’m going.

On my way inside, Skyla calls out my name.


She gets up and comes running over to me. Her arms wrap around my neck and she hugs me tightly. “Thank you for everything,” she murmurs into my ear.

“I’m glad you had a good time.”

“I did, but not just for the party. For loving me and being here for me. Growing up, I never thought I would have a mom. Mine was… well, you know…and my dad was always enough. But…” She backs up slightly and her eyes are glossed over. “I’m just so thankful to have you,” she says through a sob.

“You never have to thank me, pretty girl. You’re my daughter, my world.”

After we hug once more, I head inside to find Quinn. She’s sitting on the edge of the tub in my bathroom. “You okay?” I ask, noticing her cheeks are stained pink from her tears.

“I think I’m pregnant,” she whispers.

“And that’s a bad thing…” I tread carefully, afraid if I’m too forceful, she’ll feel backed into a corner and attack like a defensive feline. I need her to know I’m here for her.

She just shrugs, and I can see it in her face, in her posture, she’s broken, defeated…maybe even scared.

“Well, there’s only one way to find out.” I pull out the box from under the sink and hand her a test.

“You keep tests on hand?”

“We’ve been trying for the last year,” I admit. “We thought it would be as easy as it was last time, but it hasn’t been.”

“I’m sorry, Celeste. Here I am, unsure if I’m happy or sad that I’m most likely pregnant, and you’re wishing for a baby.”

“Everyone has their own stories,” I tell her. “Take it, and I’ll be right here with you.”

I step out of the room while she pees, and once she lets me know she’s done, I go back in. A few minutes later, the word pregnant lights up the screen, and I give her a hug. “Jase and I will be here for you no matter what.”

“Thank you.” She kisses my cheek. “I think I’m going to head home.”

I want to beg her to talk to me, tell me what’s going on. Is Rick hurting her? Is he emotionally abusive? What has happened that she’s only a shell of the woman she used to be? But I don’t. Instead I give her a small smile and say, “Okay. If you need anything, call me.” And I pray that she will. I also decide it’s time to talk to Jase about his sister. I should’ve done it sooner.

Quinn leaves, and I’m left alone in the bathroom. I eye the test, wanting to do one but afraid of the disappointment I’ll feel if it says I’m not.

“Celeste,” Jase says, making himself known. He sees Quinn’s test and his face lights up. “You’re pregnant?”

“No.” I quickly shake my head. “I mean, I might be, but that test was Quinn’s.”

“Oh,” he says flatly. It’s no secret that Quinn’s brothers aren’t a fan of her husband. “Is she okay?”

“Truthfully,” I tell him. “I don’t think she is. I think maybe we need to get her alone and speak to her.”