As I finish up the last model and stand to stretch my legs, the show begins. I hear Celeste’s voice come over the microphone, and without getting in anyone’s way, I peek out of the curtain. She’s standing at the end of the catwalk speaking to the hundreds of people who are surrounding the stage about the charity and how all the proceeds will be spent. She’s dressed in some sexy-as-fuck crème-colored tight dress that shows off her pert ass. Her sky-high fuck-me heels make her toned legs look like perfection. When she thanks everyone and turns around to walk back, our gazes clash. As she walks toward me, with her chin up and eyes bright with pride, she gives me a gorgeous smile that, I’m man enough to admit, takes my fucking breath away. And it’s in this moment, I know that while our worlds may not fit perfectly, I will do whatever it takes to make sure they orbit close enough to keep her near me. Even if it means I have to jump into hers.



“I can’t believe you did this!” Olivia throws her arms around my neck for a hug, her pregnant belly hitting my front. “I…I…just thank you.” She sobs.

Patting her on the back, I say, “You’re welcome,” while I search for Nick in hope of him saving me. When she finally releases me, her tears have dried up. But then she looks around, taking in her surroundings, and starts to cry again.

We’re standing under an air-conditioned white tent I rented that overlooks the East River. It’s Fourth of July, so there will be fireworks later, which is why I picked this particular park, but it’s also a party to celebrate Nick’s graduation and Giselle and Olivia’s upcoming births. There are several tents set up throughout the area. A couple for people to sit and relax under, one where food is being catered, another where there’s a bar set up, and one more for desserts and presents. Since Olivia and Giselle are both having girls, pink streamers, balloons, and other decorations are strung up all over the area.

“Celeste,” Nick says, walking up, “this is too much.” He gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Reed, their eighteen month old son, toddles over with a balloon in his hand and Skyla running behind him.

“Ba-oon,” he squeals. “Ba-oon! Da-da, ba-oon.” Nick laughs and picks his son up.

“He let go of two of them,” Skyla says with a laugh, “so I tied that one to his wrist.”

“Good thinking,” I tell her with a wink as Killian, Giselle, and Giselle’s mom, Sarah, walk up to join us.

“Celeste!” Giselle squeals. “This is all amazing! When you told me you were throwing Nick a party, you didn’t tell me it was also a baby shower.” She points to the tent that’s holding the three-tier Disney Princess cake. “That cake is incredible! Have you seen it, Livi?”

“No, not yet, we just got here,” Olivia says.

“Come here, I have to show you.” Giselle gives me a hug. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. If you’re hungry, there’s food over there.” I point to one of the tents. “And there’s a full bar set up in that one.”

Giselle, Olivia, and Sarah head over to the tent to see the cake as Jase comes walking up with Jax, Quinn, and her boyfriend, Rick, who is staring down at his phone.

“Hey, Dimples,” Jase says, giving me a soft kiss on my lips. “Everything turned out great.” Jase and Skyla came here early this morning to help me set up, then left to take showers and get ready. Since I needed to go to my place to get ready, which is in the opposite direction, we agreed to meet back here.

“Thank you,” I tell him. “There’s tons of food and drinks. Please help yourself,” I say to everyone.

“I’m starved,” Quinn says to Rick. “Join me?”

“Sure,” Rick says with a small smile, but doesn’t look up from his phone. He reminds me a lot of the men I used to date. I try to think about all the times I’ve hung out with Jase. Maybe it’s because his job isn’t as demanding, but I can’t think of a single time where he’s been with me and didn’t give me one hundred percent of his attention.

Gripping the curves of my hips, Jase pulls me in front of him and wraps his arms around my front, nuzzling his face into my neck. His two-day stubble tickles my skin, and I laugh, pushing him away. “You need to shave!” I joke.

“No, I don’t,” he growls into my ear. “I know you like my beard.” He’s not wrong. I love running my hands up and down his stubble.

“Hey, Dad, I’m going to get something to eat. Wanna go with me?” Skyla asks Jase.

“Sure, sweetie, let’s go,” he says, then turns to me. “You hungry?”