“I wiped it down,” Jase whispers, as if he knows exactly what I was just thinking.

I jump at his words. “I didn’t see you there,” I admit.

“I can see that.” He’s about to pull me in for a kiss when we both remember Skyla is standing here. While we’ve been spending a lot of time together lately, we haven’t really discussed what to say to her. That would mean labeling us. After my freak out last week over Skyla finding us in bed together, I told Jase the other night, I didn’t want to be there when Skyla woke up. I tested the waters by saying that I didn’t want her to see some woman he’s sleeping with coming in and out of the house. I held my breath, hoping he would correct me, but he didn’t. Instead, he agreed. I know that’s for the best. I’m not stepmom material. But I can still admit—not out loud—somewhere deep in me, I was hoping Jase would tell me I was. But he didn’t.

“You guys can kiss,” Skyla states with a silly smirk on her face. “I know you’re dating.” She giggles. “I have had boyfriends…”

Jase growls at her last statement. “What boyfriends?”

“Chill, Dad,” Skyla says with an eyeroll.

Jase glares at his daughter, but decides to let it go. “So, to what do we owe the pleasure of you coming all the way down to the East Village?” he says, shifting his focus to me.

“Up,” I clarify.


“I came up because I was in Tribeca at Spring Studio.”

“For GFE!” Skyla screeches, excitedly.

“Yep, and I have some news.” I waggle my eyebrows at Skyla.

“You got me a ticket?”

“Nope.” I frown.

“Oh.” Her mouth curls down into a pout.

“I didn’t get you a ticket because models don’t need one.” It takes her a second to understand what I’m saying, but once she does, she screams so loud, I’m pretty sure the entire block heard her.

“Are you serious?” She runs over and throws her arms around me, then looks up. “Please don’t let this be a joke. It would be a very mean joke.”

“It’s not a joke. You’re going to be walking for Ralph Lauren’s teen line.”

“Oh my God!” she screams again. Then she looks up at me again, this time with tears in her eyes, and says, “Thank you,” and my heart feels like it’s just been removed from my chest and handed to her. How could those two words and that look make me feel like this?

“You’re welcome, pretty girl.” I don’t even realize the words are out of my mouth until I’ve said them. I’ve just called her the nickname my mom always called me. The one name that made me feel like I was more than just Celeste, the trailer trash on the wrong side of the tracks.

“When is it?” she asks.

“It’s actually tonight. I was thinking we could spend the day together. Get manis and pedis. Get your hair done…”

“Really?” Skyla smiles. “Can I, Dad?”

She looks over at her dad, who is currently staring at me with a slight frown marring his features. Why is he upset? And then it hits me. Skyla is asking her dad for permission. Because he’s her dad. And she needs permission. Oh my God! I’m so stupid.

“Oh, no,” I say out loud. Jase’s frown deepens and his brows furrow together.

“Sky, go get all your stuff together,” Jase says, and she takes off down the hall.

“I messed up, didn’t I? I should’ve asked you first. I’m so sorry.”

“Whoa, calm down.” Jase’s lips form into a soft, comforting smile. “Sure, you probably should’ve asked me first, but you didn’t mess up.” He grabs my hips and pulls me toward him, until our bodies are flush against one another, and then kisses me. The kiss is slow and gentle and has me melting into a pile of mush.

“Then why did you look upset?” I ask him once we separate.

“I’m not upset.”

“You were frowning.”

“I guess I was a bit confused that you went from freaking out the other day over being in Skyla’s life, to wanting to spend the day alone with her. You seemed like you were okay the other night hanging out with all of us, but I just want to make sure you’re okay with all of this. With spending the day with Sky on your own.” I bite down on the inside of my cheek while I contemplate what he just said. He’s right. I have been hot and cold. It’s no wonder he didn’t jump at correcting me or putting a label on us the other night.

“I guess I have been all over the place lately,” I admit sheepishly. “I was just so excited to share my love of fashion with someone else who loves it, I didn’t even think about it.” And it’s not like I’m parenting her or anything. She has Jase for that. What harm can I do in one day? Plus, she’ll be busy getting ready for tonight.