So instead, I agree to make sure she’s gone before Skyla wakes up, and then I spend the rest of the night trying to show her through my actions how appreciative I am of the way she puts Sky first, and hope like hell that one day Celeste will see herself the way I see her.



“Brenna, it’s been too long.” I give Brenna Myers, the VP of Elite Modeling, an air kiss to each cheek. With the Global Fashion Extravaganza happening this week, everyone who is a part of the fashion world is in town.

“It has.” She grins. “I saw the preview of your fall line. It’s absolutely stunning. I imagine you will have more than your fair share of buyers knocking at your door after your show.”

“Thank you.” I can’t help the smile that appears. Brenna was the first person to take a chance on me in this industry when I was eighteen. And when I won America’s Elite Model and told her my goals, she didn’t laugh. Instead she said, “If you want it bad enough, you will make it happen.” Almost eleven years later, and I made it happen.

“Brenna! There you are!” Randy cuts in. “I’m so sorry. Celeste, how are you, dear?” He gives me a quick air kiss. Randy is the new VP for Calvin Klein, focusing on the children’s and teen lines, and hasn’t learned how to breathe yet. Fashion shows can be very stressful when you’re just starting out. I remember my first one. Everything that could go wrong, did. But over time, I created a team of people I can trust, and now everything runs smooth—for the most part.

“Randy, everything is set,” Brenna tells him slowly. “Breathe, darling.” She laughs.

“We had several of the children and teenagers come down with the flu,” he tells me. “It’s like one of them got it and it spread like wildfire. Never create a children’s or teen’s line, trust me,” he whispers. “It’s more trouble than it’s worth.” I know he’s only saying that because he’s freaking out. I’ve looked at the numbers for a potential children’s and teen line, and the profit would be well worth the trouble. You would be surprised at how much parents spend to make their kid’s look good. And unlike adults, kid’s grow, which means constantly having to purchase larger sizes, new lines. My thoughts go to Skyla and how adorable she dresses. When I hung out with her and Jase, she showed me all of her clothes, putting on a fashion show. She knows every designer and all the latest trends. She reminds me so much of me at her age, only I didn’t have the money to actually purchase the clothes. Instead, I would buy a new fashion magazine every month and cut out all of the outfits and glue them into a book I made.

“And I told you I would handle it,” Brenna tells Randy, and an idea pops into my head.

“Hey Brenna, do you by any chance have room in any of the lineups for one more teen?” Brenna gives me a curious look. “A friend of mine has a daughter who wants to be a model…”

Her eyebrows go up. I’m sure she’s heard this line a million times. It’s part of being in this business. Everyone who has a kid thinks he or she is model worthy, everyone who likes fashion is a potential designer. And of course, everyone with a camera thinks they have what it takes to be a photographer. But when I watched Skyla put on that mini fashion show for me, I knew instantly, she definitely has what it takes.

“I know, I know,” I say with a laugh. “But I’ve seen her walk and she’s got it. She’s not part of this world, but it would make her life, and maybe it could get her foot in the door.” When she doesn’t say anything, I add, “It would be a personal favor to me.”

Brenna nods. I’ve never asked for a favor. I’ve learned over the years, you don’t want to owe anyone in this industry because they will collect. But Skyla is worth it. Plus, it really would be great exposure for her.

“Okay,” she agrees. “She can walk for Randy.” Randy opens his mouth to argue. “He is desperate.” He closes his mouth. “On one condition.” I wait for her to tell me. “If she’s worthy of the runway, you have her sign with me.”

“Deal.” There’s nobody I would trust more than Brenna.

Excited to share the news with Skyla, I finish up the details for tonight and head out. Margie is shocked when I tell her I’m leaving, but I know she can handle it.

“Celeste!” Skyla yells when she spots me walking into Forbidden Ink. She sets the pool stick against the wall and comes over. I can’t help the way my thighs clench at the memory of Jase eating me out on the pool table not too long ago.