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Today has been a day from hell. There’s no other way to describe it. First, Quinn overbooked me by accident, so I’ve been rushing all day to try to get ahead. Then one of my morning regulars showed up late, and at that point I knew I was screwed, so I had to cancel one of my afternoon appointments. But he didn’t answer and, of course, showed up. Skyla was hanging out here with Quinn, when she, for the first time, started her period and started complaining of cramps and begging to go home. Luckily, Quinn was here to help her deal with her woman problems. But because that involved them going home, it left the shop with no one to answer the phones or greet anyone. Of course, both Jax and I had sleeves we were working on, which meant we were holed up for hours with no breaks.

I was supposed to finished by six, but didn’t turn my gun off until just after eight. After applying the ointment, I walked my client out through the backdoor since he parked his bike behind the shop. Then I headed to the front to lock up. As I walked down the hall, I noticed Gage and Willow had both left, and Jax was still in with his client. I also realized the phone hadn’t rang in hours.

As I walked farther down the hall, I heard two women talking. Maybe Willow is still here? But then I recognized one of the voices as Celeste’s.

“You can’t go back there.”

Who the hell is she talking to? And why does she sound like she’s pissed?

“Oh, well, I thought you were leaving,” another voice says, “and who are you? The Jase police?”

I don’t recognize the other voice, but when I get to the front, I recognize the person the voice belongs to. Missy. A longtime client who has wanted to get at my dick since the first time she stepped foot in here.

With Celeste’s back to me, she doesn’t see me as she pops her hip out and brings her hand down to her side. Damn, she looks hot in those tight jeans and those fuck-me heels. The shirt she’s wearing leaves her back exposed and makes me want to bend her over the pool table and trail kisses down her spine.

“Actually, skank,” Celeste hisses, and I stop in my tracks, waiting to hear the rest. “I’m the woman who’s fucking Jase, so how about you turn your trashy ass around and call him tomorrow to make an appointment.” I can’t see her glare from behind, but I can hear the possessiveness in her voice, and holy fucking shit, I’ve never been so turned on in my life.

“Fuck you, bitch!” Missy screeches. “There’s no way Jase is fucking you. He doesn’t fuck women at the tattoo shop.”

Celeste laughs. Not a ha ha kind of laugh, but a maniacal, my woman might be crazy, sort of laugh. When she finally stops, she says, “That may be true. We haven’t fucked here.” Her shoulders rise and fall. “But he did eat my pussy out over on the pool table.”

Damn, my woman is scrappy as fuck! Figuring I better stop this before it turns into a full-blown cat fight, I step forward to make my presence known. Missy notices me first, her face lighting up. She obviously has no idea I just heard their entire conversation. “Jase!” she screeches, causing Celeste to turn around. Unlike Missy who looks delighted to see me, Celeste looks pissed as hell.

“Jase,” she says, her voice devoid of all emotion.

As a man, I have two options: I can be nice to Missy, since she’s a loyal customer, and explain to Celeste that sometimes bitches are just crazy. She might be understanding or she might get upset and take off. I’ll have to grovel for a couple days, but eventually she’ll get over it. Or I can cut ties with Missy right here and now and end the night deep inside my woman. It’s been four days and nights since I’ve felt the inside of Celeste’s warm pussy. Which option do you think I’m going with?

Damn right.

“Missy, you gotta go,” I say, getting straight to the point.

“But…but…” she stutters, while Celeste grins my way.

“One, you don’t call my woman names, and two, you know damn well I’ve made it clear nothing will happen between us. Now you’re going to have to find another shop to get your work done at.” Taking Celeste’s hand in mine, I walk over to the door, unlock it, and open it for Missy. “Bye,” I tell her, leaving no room for discussion.

When she’s gone, I close the door and pull Celeste into my arms, planting a kiss to her soft, plump lips that I’ve missed like hell.

“How much of that did you hear?” Celeste mumbles against my mouth.