“Skyla mentioned that…going to visit Amaya, right?” Her tone has changed from awkward and soft to…cold?


“Well, make sure you tell her hello from me.” I look up in time to see her roll her eyes as she says the last word. Great! Another woman in my life who relays her emotions by rolling her eyes up into her head. She only met Amaya once during the time we spent together, so I’m not sure why the mention of Skyla’s mom has her attitude changing. I don’t usually tell people about Amaya’s situation, but decide I should tell Celeste, in case it gets brought up by Skyla in front of her.

“Amaya does live in North Carolina,” I start, but Celeste cuts me off.

“I don’t really wish to hear about her. I was just trying to be polite.” She takes a sip of her lemonade and it hits me…Celeste thinks I was—or am—with Amaya. And she’s jealous.

“We’re not together.”

“I didn’t ask if you were,” she quips.

“No, but your tone indicated you were thinking it.”

“No, it didn’t. Obviously you’re not together still, or she would be living in New York.” She looks everywhere but at me as she speaks. “I still don’t want to hear about her.”

“She’s in a coma,” I tell her bluntly.

The hand holding her cup stills and she sets it down. “Excuse me?”

“She’s in a coma. When Skyla was four years old, Amaya was found unconscious. They were able to revive her, but she slipped into a coma.”

Celeste’s hands go to her mouth, and her eyes widen in shock. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. She asked for an autograph for her…I assumed…”

“Every year we go to North Carolina to visit her. When Skyla was younger, the nurses would say that her mom could hear her when she talks, so every time we go, she talks to her mom like she’s still alive…well, I guess technically she is, but…” I let out a frustrated sigh. The whole situation is just so damn fucked up.

“Wow, Jase.” I look up and see tears in Celeste’s eyes. “I’m so, so sorry.”

“You were just rolling your eyes over the mention of her…now you’re crying…” I sound like a dick, calling her out on it, but I don’t need her false sympathy.

“Excuse me for having emotions.” She huffs. “No, I didn’t particularly like the woman I found in bed with the guy I thought I was in love with, but I wouldn’t wish that on anyone… not even my biggest enemy.”

“In bed?” What the fuck is she talking about? There’s no way Amaya and Celeste ever ran in the same circles, let alone slept with the same guy. For one, Celeste lost her virginity to me…and then left to New York. And two, Amaya was several years older. “Who do you know that slept with Amaya?”

Celeste hits me with a hard glare that has me backing up slightly. “Are you serious right now?” she sneers.

“I didn’t even know you two knew the same people.”

“We knew the same person,” she snips.

“Who? Me?” I ask, confused as fuck. And then it’s like a lightbulb comes on. She thinks I slept with Amaya because I’m Skyla’s dad. But why is she so mad about that? Skyla was born years before I even met Celeste.

“I didn’t sleep with Amaya.”

Celeste rolls her eyes. “So, Skyla was what? Created out of immaculate conception?”

I glance around to make sure Skyla isn’t near us, then I lean in and whisper, “Skyla isn’t biologically mine. But she doesn’t know, so please don’t repeat that.” I’ve never admitted that to anyone but my siblings, but for some reason, I feel the need to defend myself to Celeste.

“You still slept with her.” She glares.

I open my mouth to argue, when Skyla comes running over. “Look at this adorable stuffed bear I won.”

“Wow, it is adorable,” Celeste says as she stands. “I have to get going.”

“So soon?” Skyla pouts.

“Skyla,” I warn. “Celeste has given you all afternoon. You know she has a company to run.”

“I know,” Skyla murmurs. “Thank you for coming. Do you think I could visit your work one day this summer?”

Celeste nods. “Absolutely. Your dad has my cell phone number. Have him text me and we’ll set something up.”

“I have my own,” Skyla says, pulling her iPhone out that her grandparents bought for her so they could reach her without having to deal with me. Celeste laughs as she rattles off her number to Skyla.

“Text me and we’ll figure it out.” She winks and then gives Skyla a hug before walking away.

Skyla and I spend the next half-hour in the arcade playing Pacman before we head home. When we step inside, we find Jax sitting on the couch watching television. Skyla gives him a quick hug and shows him her friendship bracelet before taking off to her room.