Glancing at the current time on my phone, I tell Adam to call us a car, then have Margie help me grab the box of goodies. Today is about Skyla, not Jase, and if he thinks texting me at the last minute is going to ruffle my feathers, he better think again. I’m Celeste-fucking-Leblanc, and I’m about to show Jase he’s messed with the wrong woman. I didn’t get to where I am today by letting people screw with me.



My alarm goes off, reminding me that I need to head over to Skyla’s school for Career Day. Originally I was supposed to be the one speaking on behalf of her. That was until she invited Celeste. Now Celeste is the one representing my daughter. One might take offense that his daughter would rather have a woman she barely knows, speak, instead of her own dad, but I’m not offended in the slightest. Skyla has never shown any interest in tattoos. Her entire life, since she was barely old enough to pick out her own clothes, has been about fashion. I know how important today is for her. While she may not know Celeste personally, my daughter has grown up following her career and worshipping the runway she struts down.

So, no, I’m not offended, but I am worried. Because last night when I finally got the guts to text Celeste the address and time of Career Day, along with an apology for waiting until the last minute, she didn’t text me back. Not even a simple OK. I have no idea if she’ll even be there today. Several times, I’ve considered texting her to ask, but pride is a funny thing. But now, as I shut down my station and head out the door, I wish I would’ve. I could have prepared Skyla properly.

Since Skyla’s school is located in Lower Manhattan, I snag a cab. I rarely drive my own car in the city, especially since Skyla rides the bus to school, and it’s quicker for me to ride the subway or grab a cab to work. Mostly it just stays parked in the driveway, unless I take it for a drive out of the city, like when we went to the wedding in the Hamptons. I really should consider getting rid of it, but I love my car and I’m not ready to part with it yet.

After checking in with the front office to get my visitor pass, and getting a mixture of odd looks, from lust—the secretary, who I’m sure is imagining what it would be like to fuck a “bad-boy with tattoos”—to disgust—the Headmaster, who is scrunching up her nose, that a parent, even dressed in a white button-down dress shirt and black slacks, looks like I do—I make my way to the auditorium where career day is being held.

I step in quietly, since there’s a parent currently at the front discussing his career as a bankruptcy attorney, while lecturing the kids on not putting themselves in a situation where they accumulate too much debt. I spot my daughter immediately, her head moving from side-to-side as she looks around for someone. When our eyes lock, I know right away it’s not me she’s looking for, it’s Celeste, and judging by the pitiful frown she’s sporting, Celeste isn’t here yet. Fuck! Maybe she didn’t get my text. Maybe I texted the wrong number. I pull up the message and pull the card out of my pocket. They match. I copy and paste the message and click send again, watching intently for the bubbles to pop up, indicating she’s texting back. Nothing.

A few minutes later, Skyla’s name is called, and she stands to introduce the person she’s brought. She speaks softly into the microphone. “My name is Skyla Crawford, and the person I brought with me is…” She stops speaking and her lips curl into a bright smile. “The person I brought with me is Celeste Leblanc. She’s not only one of the highest paid models in the industry, but she also owns her own company, Leblanc, Incorporated, which includes several fashion lines from jewelry, to her most recent, clothing. My dream is to be just like her when I grow up.”

I glance around to find Celeste. My daughter wouldn’t have announced her if she wasn’t here. And that’s when I spot her. She’s dressed in a form-fitting navy blue and white pin-striped suit with heels that clack along the marble floor as she sways her ass up to the podium with all the confidence in the world. When she gets to the front, she gives Skyla those stupid air kisses to each cheek like all the famous people do, then addresses the audience.

Skyla remains standing next to Celeste as she discusses her career. She laughs and smiles, and of course is completely fucking captivating. With her on stage, I’m able to admire just how damn beautiful Celeste is. Her auburn hair is down in waves and her makeup is barely there. She holds her head up with confidence, and not for a single second, does she ever show one ounce of fear or nervousness. And even though to this day, my heart tightens over the loss of this woman, I can’t help but grin, because she did it. She achieved the goals and dreams she made. And while I thought for the longest time that my daughter looking up to her was a curse, I have to admit that if she’s going to worship someone, I’m glad it’s Celeste. She’s strong, independent, and hard-working. She’s everything Skyla’s mother wasn’t and everything I want my daughter to be.