Page 44 of Taste of His Skin

Because I want to jump him myself for that, I pick up the pace. Aleks matches it easily, a low seductive chuckle sending shivers down my spine. He probably can scent my body getting ready for him and knows exactly what my plans for our reunion are.

To distract myself, I ask Aleks about Muncie. We only have a couple of blocks to go at that point, so he gives me a quick rundown of anything important that happened while I was gone. My mate has finally figured out that, anything that involves him, it’s something I want to know about. Whether it’s ridiculous—like one of his vampires getting caught feeding off of another vamps’ preferred donor—or serious—like another rebel trying to be the one to take Aleks down—I want to know.

Thank the Luna, but it seems as if the attempts have slowed down. There hasn’t been one since the night three vamp males tried to cut him with a silver knife, and it seems as if Aleks’s prediction that it was just the change in leadership bringing out the zealots might have proven true.

And I get to believe that for about two minutes before Aleks’s phone rings.

Damn it. We were so close to reaching the apartment. Like, I see it. It’s right there.

But Aleks is the head vamp. To love and accept him, I have to accept that. He has to answer the phone, and he does.

It’s a quick exchange. The male vamp on the other line says that there’s been a report of a possible rebel stalking the apartment building where we live. Another vamp called it in, letting the Cadre know that the vamp is one of those who wants to see Aleks replaced, and if he has to eliminate Aleks himself, he plans on it.

Oh, great. They’re not just ambushing my mate now. They’re turning his possible assassination into a community affair. I mean, who does that? Who runs his mouth about targeting the most powerful vampire in Muncie?

An idiot, that’s who. And if this is what he has to deal with as leader? No wonder he thinks it’s nothing.

Especially when he rolls his eyes and asks, “What level threat is he?”

The Cadre vamp scoffs. “A two. Maybe. The intel was shoddy, and the vamp might even be a fan of yours, Aleksander. Personally, I think it’s a bottomfeeder looking to make a name for himself. I know you expect these threats funneled to you personally, but Cynthia is patrolling nearby. I can reroute her and have her take care of it.”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Samson. I’m actually right there,” Aleks says. “I was heading home when you called. I’ll take care of it myself.”

I wait for him to hang up his phone and slip it back into his pocket before I announce, “If you’re going, I want to go with you.”

Aleks pauses. I can tell his instinct is to immediately refuse, but the last few weeks have taught him that that’s not the right approach when you’re dealing with a shifter, especially when she’s your mate.

He thinks about it for a moment, then says, “You do? Why?”

Good question.

I have one for him. “I heard the vamp on the line,” I say, no ounce of shame. Not when it’s this important. “They told you there was a possible traitor sniffing around our building. They could’ve sent that other patroller to handle it and find out if he’s on your side or against you. You offered to handle it. Why?”

I think I surprised him. Usually, when he gets these calls, I purposely don’t listen in. I also don’t offer to go, or question why he is.

But things are different now. I’m his blood-bonded mate. His beloved. He wants to follow me across the country? Well, it’s my turn to stay by him. I know he’s going to go. That’s the kind of male he is and he proves it by saying, “Because I’m head vamp now and it’s my responsibility,” I still want to go with him.

“Listen. Do you remember when I found out that some of your vampires were turning on you? Trying to hurt you? Kill you?” When he nods, I tell him, “You said it was nothing. It’s not nothing to me. It never is.”

“Mój ksiezyca.”

“Wait. Please. I know you have to go, but… just give me a second to make my point. It’s taken me a while to figure out why I got so upset. I know how good you are. I know what you’re capable of and, Luna, I love you for it. But…”

Aleks takes my chin in his hands. “But what?”

I take a deep breath. I had a lot of time to think, both when I was running from him, then when I was separated from him during my short trial. I didn’t expect to have this conversation so soon, but if not now, when?

“Do you know how many challenges Walker forced me to sit through? Back at the district, when he forced me to act like his pet… can you even guess?”

Almost a year since the last one I had to sit through and I still have nightmares at the reckless loss of life and the Wicked Wolf’s cruelty. Like he was the king ruling over a gladiator’s match, the only one in the pack with the power to decide who lived and died, he wielded it with a smile.


“Oh, Elizabeth,” he says softly. “Too many. It was too many.”

One was too many. “You’re right. Sometimes he fought, sometimes he made others fight to the death for his own sick amusement. It broke me. You helped put a lot of the pieces back together, but it’s going to take longer than a couple of months. I saw you fight,” I remind him. “I know how well you can. But I can’t help it, Aleks. Walker’s proof that you can win a hundred challenges. You only have to lose one. And when I think of you fighting all those rebels on your own for a position you never even wanted… I can’t stand the not knowing. I’d rather be there. Let me come.”

“I never wanted you to see how cruel I can be,” he whispers.