Page 8 of Taste of His Skin

So I drop my gaze to the top of my tray table, avoiding his searching stare.

And, Luna, my vampire doesn’t like that one bit.

His aura bumps up against mine, insisting I give in to him. He’s not angry, not at me—never at me—but he’s not happy, either.

“You said you wouldn’t do this again,” he murmurs softly. “The ignoring me thing.”

Damn it. He’s right. It really bothers him when I close myself off like I’m doing right now—and I did promise to try not to do that. Just like he trie not to be so demanding and overbearing once I settled in with him. As a shifter, I’m used to listening to a dominant male, but if this mating is going to work, we need to be equals.

For the most part, we are. And I believed that up until Gretchen accidentally let me in on how there’s so much that Aleks is keeping from me…

With him, there was never a moment where we decided to be together. It just sort of happened. After Walker targeted Gem’s townhouse where I was living, Aleks invited me to spend the night. I just never left, and even if I tried, he would never let me. As far as he was concerned, his beloved belonged with him. In his home, in his bed… that was where he wanted me, and where I wanted to be. So I stayed.

Now, that’s pretty common with mates, so I didn’t realize how far and how fast I’d fallen until I was in way too deep. We aren’t officially bonded, but we live and love and act as if we are.

But if wewerebonded? I would’ve known on my side of our tie that he was in danger. I would be able to follow him anywhere, sensing him no matter what, not just when he’s near.

If we were forever mates, he’d never keep secrets from me.

Like being attacked by three other vampires at one time…

I jerk my head up. When Aleks’s eyes narrow on my face, I know that my emotions have gotten the better of me. Mine must be black.

Hopefully no one else notices. I can explain away my silver eyes to non-supes by claiming I wear colored contacts. Kinda hard to do that when they darken to black without me “changing” them.

Twice in one day. I guess being confronted with the reality of my immortal fated mate almost dying is enough to set off my Luna-touched wolf even when the goddess has gone quiet.

Pretending not to notice, I ask him, “What are you doing here?”

He’s supposed to be at the Cadre building. As the new leader, he’s never actually off duty, but when he’s on his way home to me, he always sends me a message to let me know he’ll see me soon. My ancient vampire might not be a big fan of using a phone as an actualphone, but he’s a whizz at texting.

My phone is in my pocket. It hasn’t buzzed once.

“I was looking for you.”

“Well,” I say, keeping my tone light even as I resist the urge to grind my teeth in frustration, “you found me.”

I blame Dominic. What happened? He saw me heading toward Charlie’s, then backtracking, and decided to tell Aleks that I was walking around town on my own? I wouldn’t put it past him—or for Aleks to track me down to see what I was doing for himself.

He wants to keep me safe. And I appreciate that. I really do. This intense desire of Aleks’s to make sure that I’m never in any trouble… for a shifter like me, I feel protected. Loved. Maybe a more dominant she-wolf would have her fur ruffled over it, but all I’ve ever wanted was to be the most important person in someone else’s life.

Does that mean I’m pleased that he scared off my customer like that? Not even a little. Especially since I’m still pissed off about the assassination attempt I didn’t know anything about.

I glance up at him again. Though I already knew he was safe and sound and perfectly in one piece since I spent last night with him, I run my gaze over him anyway. Flawless features, carelessly tousled curls, a gentle smile… and a steely look in his pale eyes that tells me that something’s on his mind, and it has everything to do with me.


“What do you need?”

We’re in public. He might be the all-powerful leader of the Cadre, but having sex with me out in the open is still frowned upon. So while the look in his eyes tells me exactly what he needs from me, he settles for saying, “I want you to read the cards for me.”

I blink. “Aleks. Are you serious right now?”

“Always, ksiezyca. Besides, it seems like I’m your only client for the moment.”


I glance behind him and frown. He’s not wrong. Too distracted by my stunning vampire, I didn’t even notice that the few people still waiting in line had scattered after his arrival.