Page 49 of Taste of His Skin

My pleasure cranks up to an eleven, knowing he’s about to come. Not because I was waiting for him to finish, but because this is it. The moment I’ve been waiting for my whole Luna-damned life.

I’ll finally have an unbreakable bond of my own.

As Aleks begins to grunt his release, he presses a quick kiss to my neck, then strikes with his fangs. This isn’t the nibbles from before when he needed a sip of my blood to keep our connection. This is a supe male marking his female with all the determination built up inside of him. I explode again with the pleasure of his bite, but it’s more than that.

Our bond has snapped into place. Aleksander Filan is truly my Luna-blessed forever mate.

* * *

We move inside after that.Aleks accomplished what he wanted to. If there was any doubt that I was his and he was mine, he settled that matter pretty obviously by claiming me where every single vamp in a five-block radius would hear us, scent us, and know exactly who Aleksander Filan’s forever mate was.

If there’s one thing I learned since falling for Aleks, my male is insatiable. So long as he’s full of my blood, his recovery time is even more impressive than a shifter male. Within minutes of him coming out on the balcony, he’s already hard as a rock again.

I’m hungry for him, too. Moon Fever isreal. My wolf aches for her mate, and any second he’s not fill me, stretching me, fucking me is a moment of agony. I need his cock more than I need my next breath, and considering I’m not one of the undead like he is, that’s saying something.

Aleks is more than happy to oblige. It doesn’t matter that our bond can’t be any more complete than it is at this moment. He fucks me like he’s going for extra credit, and I absolutely adore it.

Not surprisingly, I’m the one who flags first. When my wolf is finally satiated, and the moon starts to trade places with the sun so her control on me fades, I hang onto my mate as he finishes one final time, then push him away playfully.

Aleks immediately responds by switching his hold on me so that I’m huddled up against his warm chest. I’d been riding him, stealing kisses as I bobbed up and down on him, eager to lay my claim on every bit of him. He has bloody marks on his throat from where he invited me to taste him repeatedly; now that I know every exchange strengthens out blood bond, I do it eagerly. I fed him as much blood as I could spare, too—leading to his body temperature almost matching mine—with Aleks constantly returning to the same spot where he bit me during our balcony mating.

It’s easy for him to. After all, I have two silver-white marks to act like a guide.

The Luna Ceremony is done. My goddess has given my mating her blessing, Aleks both marked and mated me beneath her watchful gaze, and now I wear his bite on my throat like a badge of our eternal love.

Right now he’s lapping at it. My arms wrap snugly around his waist, my cheek resting on his shoulder. I specifically cocked my head so that he could reach his mark, and he laves at it as though expecting it’ll disappear. That I’ll heal it, and it’ll be gone.

Nope. For as long as I live—and now that we’re forever mates, that will be as long as Aleks does and not a second longer since Iwon’tlive without him—I’ll wear that mark on my skin, just like I’ll wear his fang over my heart. He’s my mate. I’m proud to let the whole world know that.

Just like how Aleks is more than pleased to show off my messy bites on the pale column of his throat while he has them. He might not be able to keep the scars the way a shifter can, but that’s okay. I’ll bite him whenever he wants.

Because, Luna help me, I love the taste of his skin.



The Alpha collective made it clear: if I want to use my Luna-given gift, I can, but I have to be responsible for any fall-out that might happen when I do.

I thought that was fair enough, and honestly more than I’d been led to expect from them for so many years. Even before I found an unbreakable bond with my beloved mate, I respected them in others. The first time I accidentally snapped a shaky bond, I had ignorance on my side. I paid the price anyway, making myself an outcast from my birth pack. After that, I was careful. I liked to believe I wasn’t responsible for whatever the Wicked Wolf made me do while I was kept as his pet, and I sold my services to Roman because the vampire leader rarely used them.

And then, of course, I lost them. It took me finally understanding that my abilities were gifts from the Luna, that they’d been a blessing instead of a curse all along, for them to return. I have them back, and considering they saved my fur when I thought it was all over for me, I’ll treasure my tie to our goddess for the rest of my long life.

Not only that but, for the first time in years, I’m my own boss. I’m a liaison between the two races of supes these days. As the mate to a Cadre leader, I have a really solid in with the vamps; between Gem standing up for me, and the Alpha collective saying I’m under their protection, I’m as good as untouchable to other shifters. No one’s better for the job than me.

In fact, you could say that, thanks to being blessed by the Luna the way I was, I’m perfectly suited to be the current acting liaison.

Honestly, I’d do anything to keep another Claws and Fangs war from brewing. For Aleks’s sake, for my new friends, and for the family I hope to continue building here in the Fang City.

It took a little… convincing to get him to agree. My mate is still traumatized by Julia’s death, and after he spent the last few months waiting on tenterhooks for something to happen to me, his worst fears came true when those shifters attacked me, then I ran from him. Between me rejecting our bond, then leaving him behind to face the Alphas on my own, I pushed my overprotective vampire to his limits. He wouldn’t cage me—not the way that Walker did back in the Wolf District—but if he could keep me safe and sound, either in the Cadre building or our apartment, he wanted to.

I was the one who pushed back, and not just because I wanted to be the liaison. I had other ambitions.

Now, I’m not an alpha. I’m not like Gem or Julia. I’mother. When it comes to shifters, I exist outside of the hierarchy. In the Fang City, my status only has to do with who my bonded mate is. I wanted to prove that I had purpose, too, and if it’s being a bond sensate, then that’s what I was going to be.

Because Muncie is a Fang City, I obviously specialize in reading vampire bonds; because I’m Aleks’s bonded mate, I’m part of the Cadre. An office on the nineteenth floor of the Cadre building—one below Aleks’s, so that I’m near enough to soothe him while having territory of my own—was a belated mating gift from my vampire.

For all the times I thought of the leader of the Cadre as the Alpha of Muncie, I’m only proven more right when I discover that part of Aleks’s duties is to bless finalized blood bondings after they’re complete. Like how Dominic and Felicity went to Roman to request his permission to consider their bond dissolved, Aleks is the first to congratulate a newly mated pair.