Page 91 of Wolf of the Sand

Fen got into position and placed her hand on the metal flank of the war shedu. Her heart was beating in excitement and anxiety. She inhaled a deep breath and took a chance.

Loki, god of tricksters, magicians, and misfits. If you ever gave a shit about me, please help me today.

Fen didn't feel a god's presence, but her magic stirred hotter inside her, like the cover of a well had been removed. She didn't know if it meant Loki was blessing her or if her own power was reacting to it. She didn't get time to question it because horns sounded, and they began to move.

Crowds lined the streets to celebrate the new pharaoh. Fen did her part and danced, tossing beaded jewelry and coins to the eager children. They all marveled at the mighty beasts and went slack-jawed at the sight of the war shedu. Fen's heartbeat tripled when the noisy procession stepped through the palace gates.

Parts of the courtyard and gardens were looking bare and burned from the fight that had happened between the Medjai and the Sekhmet warriors who had stormed the grounds. She tried to stay focused on her job and pushed aside all the worries clawing at her.

The magi made birds turn into flowers and stars from sand, the little tricks and wonders delighting everyone who could see them.

Fen smiled and danced, and her magic flared again. It was as if a streak of pure devilry ran through her veins, and she draped a necklace of beads over a Sekhmet guard. He blushed furiously and tapped her on the ass. She giggled and blew him a kiss before she shimmied her way to where a black and gold pavilion had been erected.

"This is gaudier than I thought it would be," Kemes said, twirling up beside her. Her face was painted to the point she wasn't recognizable. "Look over there. She actually has a golden statue of herself. I'm surprised she hasn't proclaimed herself a goddess already."

The music eased off to an end when they arrived in front of the dais, and the applause was deafening. Sargon and the three council members stepped forward and bowed in the Atrahasi fashion. Hasina rose from her throne and clapped her ringed hands. She was dressed in a golden silk dress, her hair threaded with golden beads and pins.

"Thank you for the most wonderful performance," she said, her painted red mouth rising in a bright smile.

"Well, today is a day we should all celebrate, princess," Sargon replied with a disarming smile. Hasina's eye twitched a little at her old title. She wasn't pharaoh until the high priest of Amun put the crown on her head, and they all knew it.

Hasina's smile turned venomously charming. "I'msoglad you made such a long journey for the occasion, Sargon. I think it is important for us to put the unpleasantness of the past behind us. We can't choose our family, and I want you to know that I hold you in no way responsible for my stepbrother's deplorable actions."

"How magnanimous of you. I want you to know that I feel the same way about you," Sargon replied, and Fen had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing at the sass in his voice. "And on this momentous day, the people of Atrahasis and I wished to give the people of Ankhara a gift."

He lifted his hand, and the war shedu walked forward through the procession, the entourage of shedu, chimera, and warriors flanking it. The leaders of the houses of Ankhara looked at each other nervously, but Ameny only smiled. Hasina's eyes went wide.

"My gods, I'm speechless," she said, her hand resting on her breast.

"Oh, just you wait," Sargon replied with a dazzling smile.

The shedu's roars shook the pavilion. People gasped as its bottom jaw began to lower, flames and orange smoke rolling out of its mouth, and in their midst, with scimitars on his back and rage in his eyes, was Khan.

"Hello, sister, did you miss me?" he asked.

"Guards!" Hasina shouted, her eyes going wide. The surprise and fear on her face sent a thrill of feral delight through Fen.

The heads of the houses all rose from their chairs, and the Sekhmet guards pulled swords, but it was too late. The Atrahasi warriors stood between them and the throne, blocking their way with their snarling chimeras and shedu.

Fen's heart pounded with love and joy at seeing Khan stride up to stand with Sargon. She, Kemes, and Kashmet took positions behind them, and Fen released the charm on her skin to hide who she truly was.

"You should have stayed dead," Hasina snarled at Khan. "Someone arrest this murderer!"

No one moved, most of them too shocked to see Khan alive before them.

"I am no murderer. You have betrayed me and this city, and I will allow it no longer, sister. Your plan to kill me first by poison, then by your warrior's blades has failed," he said calmly.

"All you do is lie! I never poisoned you!"

"That's not exactly true," Asten said, appearing behind Ameny in his official Thothi clothes. "I analyzed wine given to Khan at your party, and it was laced withzarnikh."

"Anyone could have poisoned his cup that night," Hasina snarled.

"The serving girl that had been charged to give him the cup was murdered by your warriors to hide evidence of your involvement. I saw it happen," Kashmet said, stepping forward.

"And the same poison was used to kill the pharaoh. Asten confirmed that this morning after inspection of the pharaoh's remains," Ameny added. "His last meal was a dinner with you, princess."

Khan stepped forward. "That's not even mentioning that your warriors slaughtered the Medjai to take the palace and then tried to kill my companions and me. If it wasn't for a gate built by my mother, we would have all died by your warrior's hands." He glared down at Hasina. She was trembling with rage. "Surrender the throne to me, and let there be no more bloodshed. Ankhara has suffered enough. It isover, sister."