Page 69 of Wolf of the Sand

It doesn't matter what world you are in; people are always the same.The thought made her smile.

Kemes put two bowls of beer on the table, drawing Fen out of her thoughts.

"Now, you can only have one of these, so enjoy it," Kemes warned her.

"You think I can't handle my drink? I'll have you know that my people are champion drinkers," Fen argued.

"Trust me, you won't want more than one."

"Are you going to tell me why?"

"And ruin the surprise? Absolutely not. Khan would kill me. Speaking of…" Kemes waved at the crowds. She kept talking, but Fen didn't hear a word. Khan was dressed up like the rest of them, but the look in his eyes made her heart stop. Everything else seemed to melt away until Fen was filled with onlywant.

Without a word, he bent down and pressed a kiss to her surprised lips. It was a simple kiss of greeting, but it burned through her. Khan had never openly kissed her in front of anyone, and now he had just done it in view of the whole tavern. He was claiming her and wanted everyone to know it.

"You two better not be this gross all day," Kashmet complained. He sat down next to Kemes and stole Fen's beer.

They both ignored him.

"I like your scarf," Khan said, touching the fabric at her throat. It matched the one around his own, and her pulse skipped at the softness in his eyes.

"Back at you. How were the sacrifices?" Fen asked. Khan sat down on the bench beside her, turning to face her.

"Smoky and messy, but I loved it. It's so good to be home and at the temple again. I spent so much time there that it was a joy and a comfort to be back," he replied. He brushed a thumb over her cheek. "You look beautiful."

"You do too," Fen stammered. She wasn't used to compliments, and when Khan gave them, her mouth seemed to forget how to work.

Kemes snorted. "You are both ridiculous. It's almost painful to watch."

"Then stop watching," Fen replied, making Khan snicker. She pulled her attention away from him long enough to look back at the twins. "Hey asshole, that was my beer."

"You aren't going to want alcohol until later, trust me," Kashmet said.

"Kemes just told me to trust her and have one!"

"Trust neither of them and save yourself a lot of trouble," Khan replied.

"Are you going to tell me what this surprise is? Kemes has been smug about it all morning."

Khan's smile brightened. "No. I'm going to show you."

* * *

An hour later, Fen stood on the rung of a high fence and stared wide-eyed into a paddock full of chimeras.

"They are so big!" she exclaimed, struck between awe and terror. "It makes the one I fought in Ankhara seem like not much of an accomplishment at all."

"Those chimeras are bred for the arena and are smaller to maneuver easily in the smaller space. It is still impressive as hell," Khan assured her, planting a kiss on her cheek. "These chimeras are bred to carry an Atrahasi warrior in full armor over hundreds of miles."

"Between these, the shedu, and the ebony horses, it is no wonder that Ankhara won't ever try and fuck with Atrahasis."

"Indeed. We weren't always so peaceful. The warrior culture is a part of who we are, even in peaceful times. So are you ready to ride one?" Khan asked.

"A warrior?" Fen teased.

"A chimera, smart ass. Come on, they are waiting for us," Khan said, hopping off the fence before taking her waist and putting her down.

Khan greeted a grizzled man dressed in leathers. He looked Fen over, and his brown face broke into a grin.