Page 68 of Wolf of the Sand

Fen tried to sit as still as possible as Kemes snipped and tugged. She gently rubbed in more of Shala's ointment.

"The men folk have gone to observe all of the sacrifices to Ea and Inanna because Sargon and the rest of the council are expected to be there," Kemes chatted away. "That means we can find a nice tavern and enjoy ourselves as soon as you are dressed. I think we get the better part of the deal. The last time I went, all I could smell was blood and smoke for the rest of the day."

"It is the one part of being a seiðr I've never enjoyed. I've always liked animals more than people, and those big eyes would get me every time," Fen admitted. "That life is starting to feel so long ago."

"Would that be a bad thing?" Kemes asked. She unwrapped the package of clothes and jewelry she had brought with her. "Are you unhappy in this new life?"

"I am happy now that I'm not scared about being a slave. I suppose I feel a little guilty for not missing it more. I was never close to my seiðr sisters, not like you and Kash are with Khan. We would winter together, learn from each other, and in summer all separate to wander the lands to give advice and perform duties where needed. I didn't have a sense of home because nothing was permanent." Fen rubbed at her arms. Now that she had time away from her everyday life, she could admit how lonely she had been. "I was always too big, powerful, or strange to make friends easily. They called me the half-giant, which is true considering who my father might be."

Kemes squeezed her shoulder gently. "Well, you aren't a giant here, and we like your powerful and strange ways. You're even starting to lighten up a bit and laugh more, and that's nice to see. We are going to havefuntonight. I'm going to have extra amounts of it because you have no bond braid, and everyone is going to be flirting with you so much. Khan's head might just explode."

"Or you could put one in my hair for me? Like a fake one. I want to enjoy myself and not have people harassing me to try and sleep with me."

"Afakeone, sure, Fen." Kemes rolled her eyes. "I can't do that."

"Why not?" Fen huffed.

"Because I don't want Khan blasting me with his magic," Kemes said, tugging on the end of Fen's hair. "A bond braid can only be done by the person you are bonded with. If you were to turn up with a braid I had done, Khan would actually try and murder me."


"Yes, oh. Khan is going to be flustered and ridiculous enough. I don't want to add violence to the mix. I will do proper braids in your hair, though, to make up for it." Kemes chatted and wove plaits into Fen's hair before tying them all back into one braid. She secured the end with dark red thread and hung a carnelian bead on the end. "Now, let's get ready, so you look like a proper Atrahasi."

Fen dressed in slimly tailored black pants and a maroon tunic with long, flared sleeves. The hem of the V-neckline and sleeves was embroidered in gold and black patterns, and she couldn't stop running her fingers over it. Kemes tied a wide black belt around Fen's waist, giving the tunic shape and highlighting the curves of her body.

"Hmm, Atrahasi fashion agrees with you," Kemes said, giving her a naughty wink. "Maybe I should've put in that bond braid after all."

"I'm sure there will be plenty of other people around today to flirt with," Fen replied.

Kemes only laughed and clipped gold and lapis lazuli earrings onto Fen's ears before she brushed dark eye shadow onto Fen's eyes, making their gold glow.

"The night will get cool, so Nousha also wanted you to have this." Kemes took a scarf from her bag and wrapped it loosely around Fen's neck. It was soft wool and woven in familiar dark red and blue patterns.

"This is like the robe Khan used to like wearing," Fen commented, touching the patterns.

Kemes's expression softened. "It is our family weave."

Fen's fingers twisted in the scarf, and her eyes started to fill. "I don't deserve to have everyone be so kind to me."

"You don't need todeservekindness, Fen." Kemes wrapped an arm about her shoulders. "Do you remember what I said the night we met? We were in the cells, and you thanked me, and I said that I don't need your thanks as long as you keep making Khan smile?"

Fen nodded and sniffed. "I remember, though I don't know why you said it because Khan always smiles."

"No, my darling. Khan always smiles around you." Kemes sat her down on the bed and took her hands. "He'll probably hate me for telling you this, but Khan was sad for a long time. He hasn't been the same since his mother died, and when he went to Ankhara, he had hopes of connecting with his family and finding happiness with them. Those hopes were dashed pretty quickly, and he only got worse. Khan went through the motions, but he wasn't alive. As soon as he started seeing that rune in his visions, it was like he finally woke up again. You found each other, and it was like you were kindred spirits, and he wasn't alone anymore. That's why Sargon would give you his necklace, and my mother would give you a scarf woven with our family's pattern."

Fen wiped at the tears on her cheeks, her heart full and struggling to find the right words to say. "I won't ever hurt him, you know that, right? No matter what happens between us."

"I know. That's also why we love you. Now, stop crying. You're going to ruin all my hard work," Kemes said gruffly. She fixed up Fen's makeup and kissed her forehead. "Now, let's find the boys and get your surprise."

"What surprise? And why am I suddenly worried?" Fen asked.

Kemes only laughed and looped her arm around hers. "No questions, tavern first. You are going to need a strong drink."

* * *

The tavern was already filling by the time Fen and Kemes arrived. They found a table outside, and Kemes left Fen to people-watch while she fetched them drinks.

Everyone was dressed up and smiling, drinking and flirting and laughing. It reminded Fen of the solstice festivals she would attend every turn of the season. She would perform sacrifices to Freya and Frigg for good summer harvests and burn logs during the very heart of winter.