Page 19 of Wolf of the Sand

"Finish up, quickly. Nektos wants to see you," he said.


"You only have yourself to blame for being so impressive, wolf girl."

Fen managed a smile and shoveled the rest of the sticky breakfast into her mouth. Mohar led her back upstairs and handed her off to Azra.

Fen couldn't help asking, "Have I done something wrong?"

"Not that I am aware of. I have been charged with making you presentable so you will wash thoroughly and change into the clothes I have put out for you."

Fen sighed and cracked her neck. "He sold me off again, didn't he?"

Azra's fine black brows drew together. "I don't think so. He looked like he was plotting…never mind, just do as I say. We will find out the purpose soon enough."

* * *

Fen washed but didn't linger in the deliciously warm water. She didn't think she would be punished for something because why would Nektos want to waste the bathwater?

Fen had only slipped the white linen shift over her head when a maid servant appeared to braid and dress her hair and apply more of the infernal makeup.

Nektos appeared at the doorway. "Good, you're ready." He looked her over like a man inspecting a horse. "I don't know what you did last night, but you certainly made an impression."

"I did?" Fen asked.

Nektos hummed. "Yes, the prince who has always looked down his nose at slave masters has finally decided to become one and bought you."

Khan had bought her?Fen kept the surprise from her face and stayed silent. She didn't like the way Nektos talked about him.

"Can you tell me what you did to change his mind?" Nektos pushed.

Fen shook her head. "No, master. We had sex, as I said last night. He was a good lover."

"He must've felt the same way because his Atrahasi dogs turned up last night, demanding that I sell you to him." Nektos clicked his tongue. "It seems a waste to sell off such a good fighter, but the prince isn't someone I can say no to. It does present me with a different kind of opportunity, however."

Fen didn't reply. He was talking to himself anyway. She didn't want to say or do anything that would make him change his mind.

Azra came into the bathing chamber and bowed. "My master, she is here."

"Excellent. Come, slave. There is someone that wants to meet you." Nektos straightened his robe, and Azra brushed the fabric straight on his shoulder. Fen didn't miss the affectionate way he smiled at her. Azra pretended not to notice.

Fen was taken back to Nektos's office, where a woman was sitting behind his desk in a dark purple silk dress. She wasn't as painted and primped as the last two times Fen had seen her, but the way she looked down her nose at everyone was unmistakable.

The princess. Fen bowed when Azra and Nektos did. A name bubbled to the surface of her brain.Hasina.

Fen tried to see any likeness she had with Khan and found none. Where her brother's black eyes were warm, Hasina's were calculating.

"You have caused quite the stir since your arrival, slave," Hasina said, looking her over. "I needed to have another look at what has captured my perfect brother's attention. Do you have any idea?"

Fen had visited many jarls and dealt with their spoiled daughters over the years. She might be in a different world, but people were still the same. She smiled her sweetest smile.

"If I may be so bold, I fucked him so hard that he screamed my name. Maybe the prince needed a release like other men do," Fen replied.

Hasina smirked. "My brother isn't like other men. I didn't even think hehadcarnal impulses, yet one night with you, he's so dazzled that he insisted on buying you and making you his concubine."

He had?Fen doubted that Khan wanted her for sex, but he did want her for something. Otherwise, why spend the coin?

Hasina rose to her feet and walked over to stand in front of Fen. She lifted her chin with a finger.