When we’re done, he drops me back off at the office, and for the first time since we’ve been together, when we say goodbye, we don’t kiss. As I walk to the elevator I wonder if maybe it’s a sign of what’s to come.



Everyone is standing in the church watching Reed get baptized. Nick and Olivia are all smiles as they watch their son squirm while the pastor says his speech. He dips his fingers into the holy water, then rubs it along Reed’s forehead. Reed giggles and everyone laughs. Everyone is watching but Killian. Because the entire time I can feel his eyes on me. He’s worried I’m going to lose it. When I agreed to be Reed’s Godmother, it was before I learned my mother’s condition could be hereditary. I considered telling Olivia I couldn’t be who she needed me to be, but when I tried to make the words come out, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t disappoint her. What are the chances something happens to them anyway? The Godparents only come into play if both parents die, right?

Killian and I step forward and repeat after the pastor, promising to guide Reed in his spiritual journey. The pastor sets him down and Reed toddles over to me, lifting his arms up for me to take him. So, I do.

“Gi Gi!” he squeals and everyone laughs. His tiny hands land on my cheeks and he squishes my face, placing a big wet kiss on my lips. My eyes, of their own accord, meet Killian’s. His facial expression is caught between smiling and frowning. Jesus, I’m so fucked up, and now I’m fucking up my husband too.

Like the toddler Reed is, he squirms to get down, and I set him on his feet. He runs over to his dad, and Nick picks him up. The ceremony ends, and Olivia announces everyone will be meeting at the restaurant down the street for lunch. Needing a moment, I excuse myself to use the restroom. I’m washing my hands when the door creaks open and in walks Killian. He locks the door behind him and stalks toward me.

I don’t even get a word out before he’s lifting me onto the sink and spreading my legs. His fingers enter me as our lips crash against each other. It’s been almost a week since I’ve felt this connection with Killian. A week of sleeping together yet feeling like we’re a million miles apart. Every night I can tell he wants to say something, but he’s waiting for me. And I have no clue what to say.

He adds another finger and then another, pumping them in and out of me until I’m soaking wet. He pulls my top down and his lips wrap around my nipple. Licking and sucking on it. And then he’s pulling my panties off my body and lifting me into the air. My back hits the hard wall, and he thrusts inside me. My arms wrap around his neck as my husband fucks me like a goddamn madman—punishing thrust after punishing thrust, not once slowing down or relenting. I find my release within minutes, Killian’s following shortly after.

We’re both breathing heavily, but he doesn’t set me down. Instead, with his semi-hard cock still inside of me, his mouth smashes against mine with such force, I’m almost certain every emotion he feels is being projected into that one kiss.

“This has to stop,” he demands.

“What?” I try to get down, but he won’t release me. I feel his cum dripping out of me.

“Pushing me away. Thinking you know what’s best for me. I want you, Giselle. Baby, no baby. I don’t give a fuck. It’s you and me. So whatever you’re thinking, get it the hell out of your head. Got it?”

I nod in understanding.

Killian walks us back over to the sink and sets me down, spreading my thighs and using a wet paper towel to clean me up. I watch as he takes care of me. He always takes care of me.

“I want to take care of you,” I blurt out. He gives me a quizzical look. “You always take care of me. I hate us being so uneven. You give me so much, and I give you nothing.”

Killian shakes his head and sighs. “If I have to spend the rest of our life explaining to you just how much you give me, I will. You give me so much.” He lifts my necklace. “Your heart.” He kisses my temple. “Your mind.” A playful smirk splays across his lips. “Your body.” He grabs my panties from the corner of the counter and puts them back on me. “Our life together has only just begun,” he tells me. “Neither of us are experts at this, so how about we just learn as we go, okay?”