I keep scrolling through picture after picture of Killian’s and my time together the last couple weeks. From the snow ball fight with the kids at the park, to our visit to the Belvedere castle and Shakespearian Theatre, to the Alice in Wonderland statues I never knew existed in Central Park until the other day when Killian took me to see them. The man has made it his life goal to show me a little bit of New York every day, ever since I told him I’ve lived here most of my life but have never really seen it.

As I stare at each of the pictures, an idea begins to form for what I can get Killian for Valentine’s Day. Grabbing my purse, I let the receptionist know I’m leaving for my lunch. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to pull this off since today is Valentine’s Day, but I have to try.

I find the store I’m looking for and explain to the associate what I would like done. An hour later and my gift for Killian is wrapped in pretty red and black wrapping paper.

At six o’clock on the dot, there’s a knock on my office door. Killian is standing in the doorway, dressed to the nines in a three-piece suit that fits every inch of his body to perfection.

“You ready to go?” he asks.

“Yep!” Grabbing my jacket, I throw it on over my outfit. “You’re all dressed up,” I tell him when I get closer. “You look very handsome.” I pat his crimson-colored tie. He gives me a chaste kiss on my lips—an intimate act that has become the norm between us.

“Thank you. The place we’re going to for dinner has a dress code.”

I glance down at my outfit. I’m not in jeans, but I’m not exactly dressed to go anywhere that requires a black tie, either. “Can we stop by my place on the way?” I ask.

“I have you covered.” Killian pulls a box out from behind him that I didn’t notice before. “Olivia gave me your size.”

“You didn’t have to do that,” I tell him.

“I know, but I wanted to.”

I take the box into the women’s restroom and open it. Inside is a beautiful crimson-colored dress—that matches Killian’s tie—and black heels. When I pull them out, I notice the dress is a well-known designer and the heels are donning the signature red soles. This outfit probably cost more than I make as an intern here in a month. And suddenly, the gift sitting inside my purse feels childish and stupid. What was I thinking? I should’ve bought him a watch or something. Right, like I could actually afford one a guy like Killian would wear.

When Killian and I woke up this morning, he had a dozen roses and a box of chocolates waiting for me. He had also run to the coffee shop and picked us up coffee and adorable heart-shaped donuts. When he dropped me off at work on his way to the gym, he told me he would be back at six o’clock to take me out to dinner.

Until he walked through the door, I thought I got him the perfect gift. I mean, what do you even get for the man who’s paying you to date him and redecorate his home? The man you’re slowly falling in love with but are afraid to tell him? Candy? Flowers? Sure, he got me both of those, but he can also afford to buy me anything he wants if he desires to do so. Killian is a professional athlete who makes millions of dollars a year. There isn’t anything he can’t afford to buy himself.

I put the dress and heels on and place the outfit I was wearing inside the box. I apply a light layer of lip gloss and then fix my hair the best I can. My mood has plummeted, but I remember Killian is paying me to go out with him, which makes this about him and not me. So, I plaster a smile on my face and head out of the bathroom.

“Jesus, Giselle. You look stunning,” he murmurs as I enter the lobby where he’s waiting for me. “Everything fits perfect.” He lifts my chin with his fingers and gives me a soft kiss to my lips.

“Thank you,” I tell him, forcing my smile to remain on my face. He gives me a concerned look but lets it go.

The ride to the restaurant is quiet. Killian has gone all out and rented a car and driver for the night. It reminds me of the first night when we went to the charity gala. Instead of enjoying Killian’s company, the entire drive I’m stuck in my own thoughts and insecurities. I know he can tell something is wrong because he’s holding my hand a little tighter than usual. He keeps glancing at me like he wants to say something, but he’s not sure what to say. I need to snap out of this. It’s not worth it to ruin tonight over a stupid outfit I can’t afford, and a gift I’ve already decided Killian will never see. I’ve escorted tons of rich men. I never cared before. That’s because Killian is different, I remind myself.