Realization dawns on my mom, causing her to frown. “Oh, sweetie.” She pulls me in for a gentle hug, and I melt into her arms. I’ve missed my mom so much. Why couldn’t the doctors have figured out what was wrong with her years ago? “Please don’t do this to yourself or to your husband.”

“You said it yourself. Dad couldn’t handle you being sick. What if I become Bipolar? What will it do to Killian and our children?”

“That won’t happen because we know what to look for. We will recognize the signs and get you the help you need. I wasted so many years unable to be the mom you girls deserved. The wife your father wanted. We won’t allow that to happen to you.”

“What if I get sick and Killian cheats on me like Dad did to you? He says he’ll handle it, but what if he can’t? What if he leaves me?” But even as I say the words, I know in my heart Killian would never do such a thing.

“You can’t live with what ifs, sweetie,” Mom says. “That man loves you so much.”

“She’s right, I do.” I startle at the sound of Killian’s voice as he walks into the room. “We were told only one person at a time, so I let your mom go first, but I couldn’t wait any longer.” He shrugs unapologetically. “So…where were you attempting to run to?”

“I’ll leave you two to talk,” my mom says, standing. She bends at the waist and kisses my forehead. “You’ve spent enough time being affected by my illness. It’s time you start living, sweetie. It’s time we all do.” Then she whispers into my ear, so only I can hear, “I’ll be back in the morning to check on you and my grandbaby.”

Once she leaves, Killian sits in her place. He takes my hand in his and gives the inside of my wrist a soft kiss. “I was so worried,” he murmurs. He kisses the center of my palm. “I was so mad when I found out you ran, but when Olivia got the call from the hospital…” He kisses the top of each of my knuckles. “Every worst-case scenario ran through my head, and my only thought was that you had to be okay.” He looks me in the eyes. “I just found you. I can’t lose you.”

“I’m pregnant,” I blurt out. He grins but quickly schools it, unsure how I feel. I hate that he can’t just simply be happy. “I forgot my pills a few times, and I haven’t gotten my period in the last two months…” That was my first red flag I might be pregnant, but I chose to ignore it.

“I’m ten weeks along. The doctor said as of right now the baby is okay, but they’ve scheduled an ultrasound for tomorrow.”

“And how are you?” Killian asks.

“I’m okay. The doctor said I’ll be here for a few days and then I need to take it easy for a few weeks once I’m discharged.”

“And how do you want to handle the pregnancy?” Killian asks softly.

“What do you mean?”

“You have choices, Giselle. Abortion, adoption, or keeping the baby. I’m your husband, and I’ll stand by your side no matter what you choose to do.” I stare at this beautiful, selfless man who loves me so much. There was never a choice. I always wanted a baby with him. I was just too scared to admit it. Scared I would end up like my mom. Scared Killian would end up like my dad. But we aren’t them. We’re us. And it’s time I start throwing that damn ball so he has something to catch.

“I want to create a family with you, but I’m scared,” I tell him honestly. My hand palms his cheek, and he moves closer.

“Then I’ll be brave for the both of us,” he vows, then gives me a passionate kiss that I feel all the way down to my bones.

* * *

“Are you ready for your ultrasound?” the ultrasound tech asks, kicking the brakes out from under the bed and pushing it toward the door. I give Killian a look, and he smiles warmly at me. I know with him by my side, I’ll be ready for anything that comes my way.

“Yes,” I tell her, my eyes never leaving my husband who’s holding the door open for the tech so she can push me to wherever they do the ultrasounds.

When we arrive, the room is pitch black, with only a single light coming from a computer monitor. The tech rolls me next to the monitor and presses down on the brakes.

“You can sit in that chair,” she tells Killian. He thanks her and drags the chair next to me, taking my hand in his and giving the inside of my wrist a kiss.