“I’m here when you’re ready to talk,” he murmurs against my lips. My throat clogs with emotion. How did I, Giselle Winters, the woman who spent the last year selling her body for money, get so lucky to end up with a man like Killian Blake? I don’t deserve him.

“Thank you,” I murmur against his lips.

The elevator dings and we enter Fresh Designs. I take my messages from the receptionist and head back to my office. I unlock the door and have a seat behind my desk. Setting my coffee and breakfast down, I pull my laptop out of my bag. I open it up and press the power button to turn it on. Killian falls into the seat across from me, and I realize he’s followed me in.

I can’t help but laugh. This isn’t the first time he’s done this. Although, the last time he did it, it was because he had an appointment…Oh, Jesus. The screen comes to life, and I click on my schedule. Sure enough, my ten o’clock appointment is with Killian Blake.

I glare, and he laughs.

“What the hell are you doing?” I demand, humor seeping out of my words. “Your condo is done.”

“Our condo is done,” he corrects me. I roll my eyes. And then it hits me…

“Killian, we didn’t sign a prenuptial agreement.”

He gives me an odd look.

“You know…a document that protects the rich people from being screwed over by the poor people they married when shit goes south.” It’s kind of a joke, but it’s still true. Killian doesn’t take it that way, though.

“That’s not funny, Giselle. I’m not having you sign a document that specifies what you get or don’t get in case we divorce. We aren’t divorcing, ever.”

I open my mouth to argue, but he gives me a look that says he’s not playing around. “Now, I’m here to hire your services.”

“Okay.” I laugh. “What would you like me to decorate now, Killian? Your locker room?”

“No, smartass. Our house.”

“Killian, I seriously have a lot of shit to do today. As much as I love having you in my office, I need to get to work.”

“And that includes decorating our place.” He pulls a sheet of paper out of his pocket and pushes it across the desk. I take it and read over it. It’s a house listing. The address looks familiar. Where have I seen it? It’s a five-bedroom, four-bathroom house with a three-car garage. An indoor/outdoor pool, a huge backyard according to the images. When I see the name, I remember where I’ve seen this street name.

“This is Olivia and Nick’s house?” I ask, confused.

“No, it’s ours. It’s two doors down from Nick and Olivia.”

My eyes volley between the paper and Killian. “You purchased a house on the same street as Olivia?” Oh my god! This man!

“We did. I had you sign the papers in Cozumel. You just didn’t realize it. Everything is ours. And the house has a mother-in-law suite in the back. Your mom will have her own place. Bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and living room. She’ll even have her own sidewalk so she doesn’t have to walk through our house if she doesn’t want to.”

My jaw drops as I flip through the pages, reading all the details confirming what Killian said. He bought us a house…no, a goddamned mansion, two houses down from my best friend in Park Slope. I spring from my seat and fly into Killian’s lap. He laughs as I straddle him and pepper kisses along his jaw, over his cheeks, his forehead, and lastly to his lips.

“Thank you,” I murmur. “We don’t need a house that big, but thank you. For the mother-in-law suite and moving me near Olivia. Thank you.”

Killian kisses me tenderly. “You’re welcome. I would’ve moved us directly next door, but the old lady living there refused to sell.” He mock-glares, and I laugh. “Once you’re done decorating it, we’ll move in. Think you can have it done before your mom gets out?”

“Yes!” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.

His phone starts ringing, and I remember we’re in my office, so I climb off him. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and answers it.

“Hey bro, what’s up?” He pauses then grins. “No shit? Yeah, we’ll be right there. Do Christina’s parents have Julia?” He listens to his brother. “All right, see you soon.” He hangs up.

“Everything okay?” I ask him.

“Yeah, Christina went into labor this morning. They had to deliver the baby early, but he’s perfect. Why don’t we go visit them at the hospital then we can head over to the house so you can check it out?” He stands, ready to go.

“Umm… well…” I try to think of a reason I can’t go, but the truth is, I have no reason. My appointment this morning is with Killian and he knows it.