After thanking him, we hang up and I see a text from Killian: No wise fish would go anywhere without a porpoise.

I let out a soft laugh at his, for once, correct Alice in Wonderland quote, then text him back: Google finally got it right.

Another text from him immediately comes through. It’s a picture of a hardcovered copy of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. I text him back a big smiley face. I love that he picked up the book simply because he knows I love it.

A few seconds later, his response comes through: What time will you be done?

It’s been a little over a week since Valentine’s Day and every night has been spent in his arms. He picks me up from work every day, and we either go to dinner or order in. Today is Saturday, so I’m off, and I know he was hoping to spend the day together. But then I remembered Olivia made an appointment for us to get fitted for our dresses for her wedding. Killian pouted as I left this morning, but I promised we would spend the rest of the weekend together. I’m not sure how I’m going to explain it to him if I get this job. It will mean once again working evenings.

I text him back I’ll be done in a little while, and he responds that he’ll be here to pick me up. For a man who’s never been in a serious relationship, he sure makes it look like he’s an expert.

After lunch, we step outside, and sure enough Killian is waiting on the sidewalk, only he’s standing against the light post and not in his car. He smiles when he spots me. He stalks over, picking me up and twirling me around while kissing me like he didn’t just see me this morning. It reminds me of the shit you see in those cheesy Hallmark movies. I crack up laughing when he puts me down, and Olivia and Corrine both swoon. I guess that’s why you see stuff like that in those movies…

“Ladies,” Killian says as he bends at the waist and bows. “Do you need a ride anywhere?”

Olivia giggles but shakes her head. “Nope, I drove. You two have fun, but not too much.” She mock glares and then she and Corrine head to her car.

“Your place?” I ask.

Killian takes my hand in his. “Actually, I have a surprise for you.” He opens the car door for me and I get in. He doesn’t tell me where we’re going but when we get onto the interstate, I have an idea. Forty minutes later we pull up to the facility my mother is staying at.

“She’s accepting visitors?” I ask, hopeful.

“She is, and she would like to see you.”

I throw my arms around him. “Thank you.”

“Your sister is here too. We’re going to meet with the doctors and go over her diagnosis, and then your sister and you will have some time with your mom.”

We’re greeted by the receptionist who walks us back to the office. Adrianna is already in there. “Addy!” I run into the room and give my sister a hug. It’s been too long since we’ve seen each other. “Oh, Addy,” I murmur, “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you more.” She smiles brightly. “Thank you for making sure mom is getting the best care. I hate that I can’t do anything…”

“Hey, stop,” I say. “Your job is to go to school. I peeked at your grades the other day, and you’re doing phenomenal.”

“Thank you.” She glances over at Killian and gives him a knowing smile. “It’s nice to see you again.” The one and only time they met was the day my dad left my mom. Now they’re meeting for the second time to discuss my mother’s mental health. Can you say dysfunctional family?

Adrianna extends her hand to shake his, and he takes it. While chatting with my sister the last couple weeks, I’ve mentioned Killian a few times, and while I haven’t come out and said what we are to each other—hell, I’m not even sure we know—the grin my sister’s currently sporting tells me she’s drawn her own conclusion, which means she’s imagining us married and with kids in the near future.

“Killian is actually the one who—” I begin to tell her he’s the reason our mom is getting the help she needs, but Killian cuts me off.

“I’m the one who made sure your sister got to this appointment on time.” I give him a confused look, but then it clicks. He doesn’t want my sister to know I needed his help for our mom. And my heart expands at his selflessness.

The doctors come in and introduce themselves since it’s their first time meeting Adrianna, and then in walks my mother.

“Mom!” Adrianna and I both jump up and give her a hug.