“That’s awesome!”

“They might be Super bowl champs for the second year in a row.” Olivia beams. “How’s work going? Anything new on the big account you’ve been working on?” she asks.

“Actually, yes!” I get excited thinking about the email I read earlier. “The client loved all of my suggestions, and we’re meeting tomorrow morning to discuss moving forward.”

“That’s fabulous! One day you will be the most sought after interior designer on the East Coast, and I’ll get to say I’m your best friend.” She grins, and my heart swells at the way my best friend always sees the best in me. She has no doubt in her mind that one day I will achieve my goals and dreams. If only I was as optimistic as she is.

“Now, let’s talk about your birthday.” She claps her hands together in excitement.

I groan. “Livi, c’mon! Can’t we just pretend I’m not getting any older and forget my birthday altogether?”

“Nope and nope! I know you’re crazy busy these days between work and making up for all the years you haven’t dated…” She gives me the stink-eye, telling me she isn’t happy with my lack of details. “So, I’m calling dibs on you next Friday night. Birthday dinner followed by a night out. Corrine and my dad are watching Reed.”

When I open my mouth to argue, she shoots me a rare glare that has me cringing slightly. She’s not going to accept any excuse I try to give her, so I don’t bother. I’ll just need to let Bianca know I can’t work next Friday, which sucks since I literally just asked her for more hours—and more importantly, I need them.

“Okay, Friday.” I nod with a smile, and Olivia squeals in excitement.

“Yay! We’re going to have so much fun!” Her phone goes off, and when she checks to see who it is, her smile widens. “Reed, Daddy is calling. Come say hi.” She hits accept and Nick’s face appears on the screen.

“Hey buddy,” he says as Reed crawls over to the couch to see his dad on the other end of the line.

Figuring Olivia will be busy on the phone for a good while, and wanting to give her some privacy, I sneak away into my room. After taking a long hot shower and getting dressed into my comfy pajamas, I open my laptop and pull up my bank account information. Then I open another window and log into Adrianna’s school site. It’s going to be tight, but if Bianca can give me some additional hours, I think I can swing it without going into the negatives. Not that I have a choice, since the alternative is my sister not taking all the classes she’s signed up for—and that’s definitely not an option.

I click on her semester bill and type in my credit card information then hit submit. I refresh my bank site and the balance drops from five figures to four. I type another text to Bianca with an apology that I can’t work next Friday night then remind her I can work any other day.

Closing my laptop, I turn my light off and crawl into bed. Then I remember I never called my mom tonight. Damn it. I look over at the clock and see it’s too late now. I’ll just get up a few minutes earlier tomorrow and call her before I get ready for work.



“Wing T 69 bottleneck right!” Nick yells, announcing the next play we’re going to run through. During any given practice, we’ll go through dozens of different plays. With our team making it to the playoffs for the second year in a row, all eyes are on us—many wanting us to succeed, but a lot wanting us to fail. When you become the Champions after not even making it to the playoffs in over a decade, it’s a given everyone will be ridiculing every move your team makes, questioning if you can do it again, or if it was just a one-time deal. I’ve been with the New York Brewers since I was drafted my senior year in college, and after finally earning a ring, I can tell you, one isn’t enough. Especially when my best friend Nick has four of those damn things—three from the team he previously played for, and one from last year when we won during our first season of playing together since college. The Super Bowl was almost a year ago, and I’m still high on the win and craving another one. It’s what keeps me motivated every game as we get closer to the Super Bowl once again. We won our first playoff game against Jacksonville last weekend. That’s one game down. Only three more standing in the way of us getting that ring.

We break into formation and then the ball is hiked. Everyone scrambles to their position on the field. Nick steps into position and throws the ball right into my awaiting arms, which of course I catch, and run down the field for a touchdown.