Killian smirks. “So that means that while you were sleeping, you were dreaming of me making you come?” His grin grows wider. “I haven’t had sex in over ten years, yet I’m pleasing you while you’re awake and in your dreams.”

Cocky. Fucking. Bastard.

Grabbing his boxers, I slip them on and get out of bed to go pee. When I’m done, I change back into my clothes I left in the bathroom. I’ll need to stop at home to shower and get dressed before I go into work. Shit! Work! It’s already eight and I have a client meeting at ten.

I step out of the bathroom and Killian is changing his clothes. His shirt is off and his back muscles are on display. My goodness, no man should be this good-looking…this perfect. He turns around and grants me a sexy lop-sided grin, and I just about melt into a pile of goo.

“You’ve made me come twice,” I blurt out. Killian’s smile grows bigger. “When are you going to let me reciprocate?”

His smile deflates slightly, but it’s still there. “When you make the choice to want me.” He shoots me a wink. “Now, let’s get going, so you’re not late to work. I have a meeting I need to get to and can’t be late.”

The entire drive to my place, I think about what Killian said. When you make the choice to want me. Last night, despite only hanging out with him because I was getting paid to, was a lot of fun. Until we got back to his place, I don’t think I once thought about the fact that I was getting paid. It was also the first time I spent the night at a client’s place, but the truth is, I didn’t view Killian as a client. After he told me he didn’t mean to request the nightcap, I could’ve gone home. Without a nightcap, a client only has until nine o’clock, unless he pays extra because of an event that will run later. I stayed because I wanted to.

Killian parks in front of my building and I get out, but before I close the door, I lean into the car, so I can look at him while I speak. “Just so you know, I’ve never spent the night with a client.” His eyes widen in understanding. “Last night, when I spent the night, I made the choice to.”

I close the door and head upstairs. I take a quick shower and get dressed for work. When I come out, Olivia is sitting on the couch reading a book to Reed.

“Morning,” she says cautiously.

“Morning,” I reply.

“Giselle.” “Livi.”

We laugh at having said each other’s names at the same time. Reed has no idea why we’re laughing, but he joins in, which only has us laughing harder.

“You go first,” she says.

“I’m sorry for hiding so much from you.” I open my arms and Olivia stands and gives me a hug. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” she says.

“I know things have been crazy, but I’m ready to talk.”

“Good!” Olivia exclaims. “How about tonight? Nick and I have some news to share. We can go to dinner and afterward Nick can take Reed for the night while you and I talk.”

“That sounds great.” But then I remember I have to work. I’m about to tell her tonight won’t work after all, when I remember it’s Killian who’s hired me. “Is Killian invited too?” I ask.

“We were planning to invite him…Is that okay?”

“It is.” I smile, and Olivia gives me a questioning look. I’m sure while I’m at work she’ll be writing down a list of questions to ask me tonight. The first one starting with what’s going on with Killian.

“Great,” she says. “I’ll text you the time and location.”

I give Reed a kiss goodbye and head out. It’s already after nine o’clock. If I don’t haul ass, I’m going to be late to my meeting. Figuring it will be quicker to take a cab—even though it’s more expensive—I start to head toward where they all wait, when I see Killian’s car still in the same spot with him in it. At least today he’s being more practical by driving a Dodge Challenger. I wonder just how many cars this man has. I mean, we live in New York. You barely need one.

He lowers his window. “Let’s go.”

“You waited for me?”

“Yeah, I figured you could use a ride to work.” He shoots me that damn panty-dropping wink. “Plus, that means I get you to myself for a little longer.”

“I thought you had a meeting,” I say.

“I do, now get in before we’re both late to our meetings!” He laughs.


We stop at a coffee shop on the way and Killian buys us both a coffee and a breakfast sandwich. We arrive at the building I work in with ten minutes to spare. I tell him he can just drop me off in front of the building, but he insists on finding a parking spot.