Killian steps forward and takes my chin between his fingers. He lifts my face so I’m looking at him. And as if he can read my thoughts, he says, “I know you warned me we could only be friends, but I thought what happened between us yesterday changed things. Since I was in college and made my decision not to have casual sex, I haven’t wanted to try again with someone until now. I assumed you felt the same way…That maybe you wanted to try too.”

An involuntary whimper escapes my lips. I open my mouth to speak but the lump in my throat prevents the words from coming out. I swallow thickly and attempt to blink back the tears threatening to spill over.

“I’m sorry,” I choke out. “In another life…if I wasn’t…my mom…” I can’t even form a damn sentence. I shake my head and the salty drops of devastation fall.

“It’s okay,” Killian says softly. Then he leans over and gives me a kiss on my forehead. His lips linger on my flesh as the tears continue to roll down my cheeks. And then he releases me and walks out my door.



“Killian! Open the door!” I bang on his door with my fist. I was shocked when the security guard allowed me to go straight up, telling me I have permanent access. After I’m done with him, I can guarantee he won’t be allowing me access. My mind goes back to this morning at Serenity, where I learned someone paid for my mom’s treatment.

“Everything is completely covered for the next sixty days while your mother undergoes treatment at this facility. Should any other charges occur, we have the credit card on file.”

After my jaw dropped in shock, I picked it back up and demanded to know how it was all paid for and whose credit card was on file. Because it sure as hell wasn’t mine. And I’d be damned if Olivia went behind my back and paid for my mom’s medical expenses. The woman in charge of the accounting department confirmed it was Killian. And are you ready for this? When I asked for him to be removed and to refund him his money, they told me it wasn’t my decision! Because my mother approved it!

Needing answers, I asked to see my mom. I was then informed she isn’t accepting visitors at this time, but she wrote me a letter. The nurse gave me said letter and told me once my mom is up for visitors she’ll contact me. I made the mistake of reading the letter on the subway while on my way home.

Giselle, my beautiful daughter,

I am sorry for everything I have put you and your sister through. I’m not sure how I will be feeling tomorrow or a week from now, but right now I am in a good place. I had the pleasure of meeting your friend Killian, and he made me aware of your struggles. I’ve put so much weight on your shoulders, even from a young age. You are strong and independent and I know you would go through hell to help me get better. But he’s offered to help and I’ve accepted. He’s assured me that when I’m better and have my life together, he’ll accept my making payments to him. When the house sells please use the money to get yourself a place. It’s your time to shine. Focus on your future while I focus on mine. My hope is when I get out of here, I will be healed. Maybe I’ll even go back to teaching. Please don’t be upset that I’m not accepting visitors at this time. I just can’t stand the thought of you worrying or seeing me during my bad days. The next time I see you I want it to be on a good note. I love you. It’s because of you I’m still alive and have this chance to get better. I’ll be in touch soon. Please give Adrianna a hug and kiss from me. I love you both very much.

All my love,


So, here I am on Killian’s doorstep. What am I hoping to accomplish? I’m not sure. But since I can’t speak to my mom, he’s next in line. I can’t decide if I’m grateful or pissed off for what he did. Right now, it’s a combination of both. I know my mom said she made the decision to allow him to help, but he knew what he was doing when he spoke to her! And God help him if he told her I’m a goddamn escort! He’s going to pay for this. For taking the choice out of my hands. And then an idea hits me.

Just as I’m about to give up on Killian answering the door, it swings open. And standing on the other side is the man I’m looking for…in nothing but a towel slung low around his waist. His hair is dripping wet, and for a moment I’m frozen in place as I watch the tiny droplets of water run down his tattooed chest and over his delicious six pack of abs.