“Thanks, Sis.”

“How’s Stacey?” Stacey is Adrianna’s girlfriend. They met in one of their science classes and hit it off right away. They’ve both picked the same major, which I imagine gives them a lot to talk about.

“She’s great. Busy with school and softball.”

“I look forward to meeting her.”

“Yeah, maybe over spring break.”

“Sounds good.”

Adrianna’s quiet for a moment, and when she does speak, her voice is soft and hesitant. “Umm…listen.” I hear the nervousness in her tone, and I’m instantly worried. “The registrar’s office sent a final notice. If I don’t have the remaining balance paid by Monday, I’m going to have to withdraw from my classes…I know I was just going crazy over the lab, but I can take less classes if you need me to. I don’t want—”

“Stop it! I’m sorry. I’ve just been so busy at work, it slipped my mind. I’m walking inside my building right now, and as soon as I get to my room, I will pull it up and pay the bill.”

“Are you sure?” she asks, and my heart tightens in my chest. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Damn my father!

I inhale deeply then exhale to collect myself. The last thing Adrianna needs is to hear me crying. “I am one hundred percent sure.”

“Okay, thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Hey, I’m about to get on the elevator, and I don’t want to lose you. Have fun at your party tonight, and we’ll talk soon.”

“Okay! Love you.”

“Love you too.”

We hang up, and before I get into the elevator, I type out a quick text to my other boss and hit send.

Me: I need more hours.

Bianca: Noted.

I take the elevator up to the third and top floor of the brownstone I share with my best friend, Olivia Harper. And by share, I mean she owns it, and I pay pennies to live here with her. I met Olivia our freshman year of college in Paris. I was assigned a flat mate, and after only one week of living with her, I was almost positive I was going to kill her in her sleep. While most students spent their first week of school trying to figure out which classes they wanted to keep or drop, she spent the week sleeping her way through the entire lacrosse team…in the middle of the night…while I was trying to sleep.

As fate would have it, Olivia and I were in the same Art History class. She mentioned being lonely in her two-bedroom flat, so I offered to move in. We lived together during all four years of college and two years of getting our master’s degrees. During which time, our friendship went from flat mates, to best friends, to sisters. She is the yin to my yang. Which is why when she said she needed to move back to New York last year, I packed up my stuff and followed her home.

I’m quiet as I open the door, unsure of who’s here and not wanting to wake anyone up if they’re sleeping. But when I walk inside, I see Olivia is sitting on the couch watching television with her sweet baby boy in her arms. He’s drinking a cup of juice, but when he hears the door creak open, his head pops up, and he grants me the most adorable toothy grin.

“Hey, how was your night?” She pauses whatever she’s watching to give me her full attention.

“Good.” My answer is too vague for her liking, and she frowns.

“Were you on a date or working late?” Knowing she won’t stop until I give her the information she wants, I sit down next to her and put my arms out for Reed. He drops his cup and climbs into my lap. I give him an extra tight hug, inhaling his baby scent, and he giggles.

“Hey there, my little love muffin. Did you miss me?” I coo. Reed plants a big, wet kiss on my cheek, and my heart soars. “I missed you too.” He scoots out of my lap and slides down the couch and onto the ground, toddling over to where some of his toys are. I watch him for a second before I realize Olivia is still waiting for me to answer her question.

“I was on a date.”

“With who?”

“Just some guy.”

“What’s his name?” she presses.

“Paul.” I give her a look that says I don’t want to discuss him, but she ignores it.

“That’s a nice name. Is it serious?”

“Not really. Where’s Nick?” I ask in an attempt to change the subject. Olivia grins at the mention of her baby daddy-slash-fiancé, momentarily forgetting about my date.

“Jacksonville. They’ve made it to the playoffs. We’re flying out Saturday for the game.” Nick Shaw is the starting quarterback of the New York Brewers. While he has his own place in the Lower East Side, he’s more often than not wherever Olivia and Reed are.