* * *

Nick has been in with the doctors for the last hour. Corrine took Reed back to her place since it’s well after his bedtime and he was getting cranky. Olivia is sitting quietly in her seat, her eyes glued to the door, waiting for a doctor to come out so she can go back and see her fiancé. She’s trying so hard to remain calm, but I know my best friend, and she’s freaking the hell out on the inside. When she first met Nick, he was recovering from a shoulder injury and wasn’t sure if he would ever play again—let alone come back to win a Super Bowl.

“Any news?” Killian asks, walking over and sitting next to Olivia. His hair is still damp from the shower. He’s in a New York Brewers hoodie and sweatpants. He must’ve come straight from the stadium. A few other players sit down as well but keep their distance. Everyone wants to know how Nick is doing.

“No, the doctors are in with him,” Olivia says, her voice strained from holding in her emotions. “They called my dad and Declan back about twenty minutes ago.” Declan Thomas is the owner of the Brewers. When the owner is involved, it can’t be good.

Killian wraps his arm around Olivia and her head lulls to the side, landing on his shoulder. “It’s going to be okay,” he murmurs. His eyes come up and meet mine. I shift in my seat as I remember what it felt like to be comforted by a man. When Christian and I were together, he would hold me for hours while I cried over my mom. He would tell me everything would be okay. He was wrong, though. Nothing is okay. Killian gives me a small, sad smile, and I find myself smiling back.

“Olivia Harper,” someone calls out, and we all stand. It’s a woman dressed in scrubs. Maybe a nurse. “Nick is asking for you. You can follow me.”

Olivia nods silently then turns to Killian. “As soon as I can, I’ll text you or come and get you.”

She follows the nurse back. For the next hour everyone waits in silence. It’s late and the waiting room is quiet. The door finally opens again and Olivia and her dad walk out. Her eyes are puffy from crying but she forces a watery smile.

Killian and I both stand at the same time and meet her halfway across the waiting room. “You can go see him,” she tells Killian, who doesn’t waste a second before heading back.

“How is he?” I ask.

“He’s going to make an announcement. He’s retiring. It’s his same arm and he would need surgery again. He doesn’t want to go down that road for a second time. He wants to go back to school to study Literature. It’s a dream he’s had since he was little.” Tears fall down her cheeks. “He wants to write a novel.” She sniffles.

“Why are you crying?” I ask as I pull her into my arms for a hug.

“I don’t know,” she sobs. “I’m just being emotional.” She cries harder through her laughter and I join in until we’re both laughing so hard tears are streaming down both of our cheeks. Neither of us having the slightest clue as to why we’re laughing or crying.

“I’m going to stay here with him,” she finally says once she’s composed herself.

“Okay, love you.” I give her another hug. “If you need anything, please let me know.”

I exit the hospital and grab a cab home. After showering the day off me, I climb into bed and snuggle into my blankets. My thoughts go to Killian and the way he held Olivia. It was nothing more than a friend comforting a friend. But it allowed me to see a different side of him. He might be an asshole to me and Celeste, but it’s obvious that there’s a softer, sweeter side to him he only allows certain people to witness.



“I’m sorry, Giselle. I’ve tried to find another nurse for tonight but haven’t had any luck,” Dedra says through the phone. “It’s Paula’s night off and she’s not answering her phone.” Paula is the night nurse I’ve had to hire so my mom is taken care of around the clock. It meant adding more to my endlessly growing pile of bills, but it was necessary. Hopefully the house will sell quickly, and then I can use that money to pay off some debt and get my own place for my mom and me. I put the house up for sale a few weeks ago—after Killian pointed out what I already knew—that it’s time I stop depending on Olivia and handle my shit—and we’ve already had quite a few people interested. No offers yet, but it only takes one.

At first when I told my mom the house was being put up for sale, she called me a selfish bitch and kicked me out, but a few days later, I was shocked when she called and told me she’s excited to be moving out. She’s actually been in a great mood lately. Gardening in her backyard and talking about not needing my father and being ready to move forward. I think the meds she’s on are finally working. Of course I’ve said that before and then they stopped. The problem now, however, is when I tried to schedule for her to see the psychiatrist to get a refill, I found out my father’s insurance had been canceled. And when I called his job to speak to him about it, I was told he no longer works there. Of course he doesn’t!