“Everyone can stay, but you’re going to have to take your shirt and bra off for the location you want,” Jase says. “Go ahead and get undressed and shout once you’re ready for me to come back in.”

Everyone exits but Olivia, who looks upset. “What’s wrong?” I ask her.

“Your quote is perfect and beautiful, and it made me realize I’m not sure what I want yet.”

“We can wait,” I tell her.

“No, I want you to get yours, and once I’m ready to get mine, will you come back with me?”

“Of course!” I give her a hug. “Thank you for making my birthday special.”

I take my shirt and bra off and hand them to Olivia. Then I lay down on the leather chair face down. “Ready!” I call out.

“Okay, let’s do this.”



We’re sitting in the VIP lounge in Provocative, an exclusive nightclub in the Lower West Side. With Celeste gone, it’s just the four of us. Olivia is gushing over Giselle’s new tattoo, and Nick, as usual, is gushing over Olivia simply being herself. I must admit I was shocked by the tattoo Giselle chose. Most women go for the cute and popular. Like Quinn said, the unicorns. Giselle’s tattoo was deep. Although, it shouldn’t surprise me. Giselle’s actions seem to be throwing me off at every turn. I was stunned earlier tonight when I witnessed her get emotional over her ex-boyfriend showing up. I honestly didn’t think she was capable of feeling anything other than what she feels for Olivia and Reed. Even when I took her to her mom’s house, the entire time she was cold and withdrawn—dealing with the situation, but not appearing to be emotionally affected.

I’m beginning to think there are several different parts to Giselle, and maybe not all of them are so bad. I think back to Nick’s description of her. Maybe she is just a Pitbull. One who is judged unfairly based on her looks, but isn’t really as vicious as she appears. I know I’ve definitely judged her.

“It sucks Celeste isn’t here, but since we have you both together, there’s something Nick and I would like to talk to you two about,” Olivia says. “Actually two things.” She grins excitedly.

“Okay, shoot,” I say, taking a sip of my water.

“As you know, Nick and I are planning to get married, and we’ve finally picked a date! We’ve decided to get married in June of this year!”

“Oh, Livi! That’s only a few months away!” Giselle says.

“Yes!” Olivia agrees. “Also, Reed will be walking better, and football season will be well over so we can go on a honeymoon.” She stops talking to give Nick a quick kiss before she continues. “We want a small, intimate wedding, and I would love it if you would be my maid-of-honor.”

She hasn’t even finished her sentence and Giselle is already leaping across the table and into Olivia’s arms. “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

“And I’d like for you to be my best man,” Nick adds. “But if you jump into my lap, I’m going to beat your ass.”

“Awe, c’mere, good-looking.” I shoot him a wink and stand. Nick shakes his head but stands to give me a hug. “Congratulations. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks, man.”

“What’s the second thing?” Giselle asks once we’re seated again.

“We’d love it if the two of you would be Reed’s godparents,” Olivia says. “We can’t imagine anyone else loving and caring for him the way you two do.”

“Agreed,” Nick says.

“Oh, Livi, you’re killing me tonight!” Giselle hugs her friend once more, and when she sits back down, there are tears shining in her eyes. “I would be honored, even if it means sharing my godson with this guy.” She nudges me with her elbow.

“I’d be honored,” I tell both Olivia and Nick.

“Yay! Thank you!” Olivia squeals. “Oh! I love this song! Let’s dance!” She pulls Nick out of his chair, and the two of them hit the dance floor, leaving Giselle and me at the table alone as Justin Bieber sings about not giving up on love.

“You didn’t want to invite Roman out tonight?” I ask Giselle, and she glares. “What? I just figured you would invite the guy you’re dating out to help celebrate your birthday.” I shrug. I wasn’t trying to piss her off. I really was just curious.

“Roman isn’t exactly the going out to a club and getting a tattoo kind of guy,” Giselle replies dryly, then takes a long sip of her Jack and Coke.

Speaking of tattoos… “Does the tattoo you got have a story behind it?” She eyes me warily, then finishes off her drink.

She sighs loudly. “It’s from a book I read.”

“Which book?” I ask, curious.

“Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.”

“The children’s book?” I give her a confused look, trying to recall which book that is. I think it’s the one with the little girl who falls down a rabbit hole.