“We’re just finishing up dinner and are about to head out for some drinks,” Killian says, snapping me out of my thoughts. “You should join us. Any friend of Giselle’s is welcome. Or wait, are you her boyfriend?” Killian smirks devilishly.

Christian’s hand grips the back of his neck nervously, unsure of what to say. Thankfully, Olivia jumps in. “You need to walk away right now, asshole. I know about you cheating on my best friend. Go back to your groupies and stay away from her.” Her voice is barely loud enough for the entire table to hear, and while her intent is to sound big and bad, she just sounds adorable, but I still love her even more for defending me.

“I think it’s best if you go,” Celeste adds. “It’s clear you’re not wanted here.” Celeste has heard all about Christian and what he did to me on several girls’ nights out.

“Look, I’m sorry. Would it be possible for us to talk?” Christian asks, and this time Nick jumps in.

“You heard the ladies. You’re not wanted here.”

“This is between Giselle and me,” Christian snaps.

“No, it’s really not,” Killian says, shocking the crap out of me. He and Nick stand, and Christian backs up. “I didn’t realize when I extended my offer you were a cheating piece of shit. So, not only am I rescinding my offer for you to join us, but I suggest you walk out of this restaurant and lose Giselle’s number. If she wants to call you, she’ll do so. But until then, get fucking lost.”

Christian’s hands go up in surrender, and he looks at me like he wants to say something, but luckily he thinks better of it and walks away.

“I’m so sorry, Giselle.” Olivia gets up and comes around to my side of the table to give me a hug. “I love you.”

“I love you too. Thank you, guys.” Tears brim my lids as I look around at everyone who just stuck up for me, including Killian. I might not have a lot of friends, but the few I do have are pretty freaking great. And while Killian isn’t my friend, it means a lot that despite how much he doesn’t like me, he still stood up for me.

“Growing up I never really had any friends,” I admit out loud. “My family kind of has some issues.” My eyes dart to Killian who has seen them firsthand. “Christian was not only my best friend but my boyfriend. I never imagined one of the people closest to me would betray me like he did. Anyway, you guys sticking up for me like that means the world to me.”

“You would’ve done it for us,” Olivia points out.

“After that, I think we all need to get drunk,” Celeste says with a laugh. “That guy was about to ruin my buzz.”

“Actually, we have something else planned.” Olivia grins. “It’s a surprise, though.”

“What happened to partying? Getting drunk?” Celeste pouts.

“We will, I promise! After we go to our next stop. But first, we need to sing Happy Birthday.” She nods behind her and the waiter comes over with a candle-lit birthday cake. Everyone sings Happy Birthday, then Olivia cuts the cake. Once we’re done eating it, we pile into the limo Olivia rented for the night.

Killian is sitting next to me, and I’m shocked when he leans in close to speak to me. “I’m sorry about what I did in there. Inviting that asshole out with us.”

I just don’t have it in me to call him out on his shit. So instead I say, “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know.”

“True, but we both know I was only inviting him to piss you off.” Killian smiles apologetically, and I laugh at his honesty. “So, I’m sorry,” he adds.

“It’s okay,” I tell him.

“We’re here!” Olivia announces, and everyone steps out of the limo onto the sidewalk in front of…

“A tattoo shop?” I ask excitedly.

“Yep! I made us appointments!” Olivia clasps her hands together and jumps up and down.

“Hell yes!” I yell, joining her.

“You, umm…you didn’t make an appointment for me, did you?” Celeste asks nervously.

“Well, I told him we had a group coming and I wasn’t sure who all would want one. He said a couple people would be here,” Olivia tells her.

“Oh my god, Livi! This is so exciting!” I exclaim.

“A dream of yours?” Killian asks.

“Of ours.” I smile at Olivia. “We both said we wanted one, but we were too scared to actually get them. So we agreed that once we graduated with our masters, we would get tattoos to celebrate. Olivia graduated before me, and by the time I graduated six months later, she was knocked up.”

“Must you word it like that,” Olivia says through her laughter. “Let’s go!”

Linking our arms together, Olivia and I walk into Forbidden Ink, followed by Killian, Nick, and Celeste. From the outside, it looks like nothing more than a small hole-in-the-wall shop with blacked out windows. But once we open the door, it’s as if we’re stepping into a New York City alleyway, and I’m not talking about one behind Fifth Avenue. More like the ones from where I’m from. The walls are painted to look like graffitied CBS block, but the artwork is far better than anything you would see in the real alleyways. They are eye-catching and beautiful. The floors are concrete, identical to the sidewalks outside, but cleaner. There are a couple of black leather couches in the front area, and on a black wooden coffee table are stacks of books. In the right corner is a pool table, and to the left is the front counter. A narrow hallway goes down the middle.