"No, I won't kiss you under those conditions," Mara said with a shake of her head. "Ridiculous sorcerer. Don't you understand? It's partly because of those things that I want to kiss you at all."

Augustus looked a little surprised, and then his smile went feral. He lifted her chin up and whispered against her lips. "Prove it."

So Mara did. She closed the short space between them and pressed her mouth to his. Heat and magic and desire exploded over her skin, her hands buried in his thick, dark hair, and she brought him closer, needing more.

Any tentativeness she had was melting away as her lips dominated his, languishing in his taste of power and honey and lightning.

She was vaguely aware of shifting further into his lap but couldn't have stopped if she wanted to.

Weeks and weeks of yearning and not realizing what she wanted were suddenly making sense. She wanted Augustus, the dreaded sorcerer, and his sinful mouth.

Around the city, the remaining scraps of their wish leaves that now lined nests and were stuck to car windscreens and footpaths all glowed brightly as the wishes fulfilled themselves and burned away.

"Mara, you're shining," he murmured, pulling back a little. She looked down at her saint's glow that was getting brighter the more aroused she got.

"I don't care, kiss me again," she whispered.

Ever the gentleman bastard, Augustus obliged her without further question. His strong hands stroked down her back before gripping her hips and dragging her further up against him.

She moaned softly when his tongue brushed against hers, and she was falling again. She felt like she had been since the moment he had burst into her quiet, unobserved life and shattered it to pieces.

Mara wanted to get him out of there, take him somewhere to be just them, and get even closer.

"You keep kissing me like this, and I'm going to have no choice but to take you home and have my damn way with you," Augustus warned breathlessly.

Mara smiled against his lips. "Are you reading my mind without permission, sorcerer?" She quickly kissed his astonished mouth again and would've kept kissing him except the strange miracle in her chest began to move and grow hot.

"Oh no…" she said, her hand going to the glowing light in her chest.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Augustus asked, his brows drawn together.

"My miracle is moving. I need to get out of here! I can't let it be released. Not yet." Mara got off him quickly and onto unsteady feet.

"Mara, let me help." Augustus reached for her, but she pulled away.

"No! I don't want to hurt you." With adrenaline and panic riding her, Mara turned and bolted.


"There isn'tmuch in the world more devastating than a heartbroken saint, and a more dangerous creature isn't to be found." — Sayings of the Blessed Crow.

Mara searched for a way out and tried to force the rising miracle down. People asked if she was okay, but she ignored them, too afraid to stop or speak. If the miracle came out, it could wipe out the whole Blood Moon Bar.

"That way is out," a faun told her, pointing to a dark corner. Mara nodded her thanks and stumbled into the dark passageway.

This time, there were no steps, only a heavy door that slid open and spat her out in a side street. Mara gulped down the cold night air, trying to clear the ambrosia from her head.

"Please, please, please, Saint Anea, no," she prayed. She didn't know where she was in the city, her mind a little too drunk on alcohol, kisses, and magic to find something she recognized.

Mara stopped walking when she made it to the park and had space around her. She closed her eyes and tried to reach for the magic of the store.

Nothing. Not even a whisper.

"Fuck…" she groaned and sat down under a tree. She needed to sober up and calm down. She focused on the miracle moving back down from her throat to its place in her chest. "Please, it's not time for you."

Sitting on the grass, Mara lost time. When she had finally gotten the miracle to settle, the ambrosia had worn off, and she finally felt like herself.

You completely ruined your date and probably freaked Augustus out at the same time.Mara bit her lip. Had kissing Augustus triggered the miracle? She tried to think back to see if it had been anything else.