"The same thing that happens to all saints. She trusted the wrong person; they betrayed her, and she died. Don't look so sad, sweet crow. She took a lot of people with her when she went." He lifted his glass of golden liquid at her. "Power like that doesn't go away with such a simple thing as death. I heard a rumor that her spirit got locked in a statue of all things. But looks like the power went to her bloodline. You have her eyes, black as crow feathers and twice as crafty."

"What did I say about getting into trouble?" Augustus said.

The creature froze in alarm before it forced a smile. "I was only talking to her, Judge. You know I've given up my troublesome ways."

Augustus passed Mara her glass. "I was actually talking to her, Dargan."

"He knew Anea," Mara replied.

"Did you now?" Augustus sat down next to Mara and gave the creature an expectant look.

Dargan looked between them curiously and then let out a peal of choked laughter. He took a sip from his glass. "You two together is going to doom us all."

"Don't be so dramatic, angel," Augustus said, with a smile that was almost a threat.

"Sorcerers and Saints don't mix for good reasons, Judge. The magic is too dangerous. Something to consider before hearts get involved." Dargan gave Mara a bow. "It was a pleasure meeting you, daughter of Anea. Judge."


The creature wandered back to his companion, and Mara was surprised to see that it was a priest.

"Don't look so alarmed. They meet here every Blood Moon to argue metaphysics. Neutral ground, remember?" Augustus told her. "I'm not surprised he was the first to find you."

"What is he?" Mara asked.

"He's a fallen angel who immigrated here from Baghdad in the late '80s. There's still a dash of the celestial in him, but it barely makes up for the amount of asshole." Augustus glanced up at someone else coming towards them. "Speaking of assholes."

"Flynn! It's so nice to see you again," Mara said, beaming at him. The sprite looked wild with a crown of leaves on his head and a linen loincloth embroidered in green and gold around his waist.

"And you are the saint I can't remember meeting," Flynn replied with a massive smile. "I hate that I can't remember you. We could talk such trash about the sorcerer together. He's so cagey and secretive when he mentions you."

Mara nudged Augustus's side. "Is that right?"

"You are my saint, not his. It's none of his business," Augustus argued. Mara tried not to react to the possessiveness in his tone. It made her feel hot all over and ridiculous at the same time.

"She is smiling, so you must be doing something right, old chap." Flynn looked about before offering them an amphora. "You want a hit?"

Augustus took it and sniffed, his eyebrows rising. "Where the hell did you get ambrosia from?"

Flynn shrugged. "I'm friends with a nymph from Thrace. She offered it to me for the night."

"I've never had it before, but my cousin from Greece once burned a village down when he was on it," Mara said, eying the amphora with curiosity. "What's in it?"

"Only the nymphs know. It's not bad, but it does lower any inhibitions you might have if you're not careful. You'll see the magic around us a lot more. Other than that, it's like all drugs and alcohol. It will bring out what's already buried inside of you," Augustus explained.

"It's why I'm only offering it to you two. I know you won't be burning any villages down," Flynn replied, shooting Mara a cheeky smile. "Just have a small gulp if you're worried. It'll only last an hour or so."

"I've probably done worse," Mara said, thinking of all of the shamans she'd met and their strange potions and pipes she'd had with them.

Curiosity got the better of her, and she took a small swig. Her mouth filled with the taste of grapes and honey, madness, sex, revelry, and blood. Augustus took the amphora, had some, winced, then passed it back to Flynn.

"Gods, the shit is always so sweet," he complained.

Flynn grinned. "I'm going back to the nymphs. They party harder than you, old man. Mara, my love, you are welcome to join in if this one bores you too much."

"Have fun with your orgy in the woods. Try not to brush against any stinging plants this time or get too amorous with a kangaroo," Augustus teased. Flynn flipped him off over his shoulder as he walked away.

Mara laughed, and the ambrosia in her veins laughed back. "I think it's kicking in."