Sylvan's laugh was deep and bawdy as she reached around to pat Mara on the back. "Sorry, honey. Let me get you a replacement drink on the house."

Mara would need at least another six replacement drinks to get that visual out of her head. When Sylvan returned, Mara changed the subject. She didn't like the pretty bartender talking about Augustus, and if she had paused for a moment, she would have recognized that she was jealous.

Mara did not pause. She kept drinking, had a few conversations, and even a few offers, but she ended up turning them down, her desire to be touched diminishing the longer she mingled with other people.

It was past midnight when Mara stepped out of the bar on unsteady feet. It was cold and misty, the drizzle making Melbourne shimmer under the fluorescent lights.

Partygoers and late-night commuters still roamed the streets, getting cigarettes from the Seven-Eleven or cups of Pho from window vendors.

Mara walked down the side street, the call to the teashop still unmistakable even when inebriated.

"Hey girl, where you going? I thought you were coming back in for another drink," a man's voice said behind her.

She turned, and three men who had been hanging around the bar were following her. They passed a lighter amongst themselves and sparked up cigarettes.

"I thought I'd better call it. I might see you next time," Mara replied, keeping her voice light but firm.

When she turned back around, the man who'd spoken was in front of her. He was a supernatural. She didn't know what kind, but she felt the tang of green magic on him.

Mara's whiskey buzz was fading. She really didn't want to have to deal with this tonight.

"Just one drink. I like your hair. My friends and I have a bet going to see what you are," he said, leaning forward, so she was forced to take a step back and against the brick wall of the bar.

"I am as you see me, a girl trying to get home after a nice evening," she said.

"Nah, babe, I mean…whatareyou? You see, I'm very well connected in Melbourne. I know nearly all the supers and magic users around, and I haven't seen you before this night, so Ineedto find out who you are. Rather do that inside with a drink than out here." He tried to be convincing and charming, but he was far too young to be able to pull it off.

Mara took a deep breath to calm the brewing frustration inside of her.

Keep your cool. They are just dumb kids who have been drinking.

"That's very fascinating, but I do need to be going. So if you'll excuse me—" Mara made to move, and his hand shot out and pinned her shoulder against the wall.

"You aren't going anywhere."

"Did you not hear the lady? She doesn't want to have a drink with you," a new voice said from the shadows, and Mara stilled as Augustus stepped forward into the light.

"Vance. Don't be putting your nose where it doesn't belong," the man hissed, still holding onto Mara's shoulder.

"You're Seamus, aren't you? One of Connor's boys?" Augustus said.

"And what if I am? Still doesn't concern you, sorcerer." Seamus spat at his feet. The two other men stepped in closer.

"You holding up a woman against her will is every decent man's concern. Now let her go and scram before I make you." Augustus's voice was confident, but Mara had seen him drunk before and knew that he was seconds from falling over.

"You can't use your tricks against us without breaking your contract with the Druids. I know you, Vance. You wouldn't step out of your ivory tower just for some girl's honor, so fuck off."

"I don't need your help, Augustus. Just let it go," Mara whispered tersely. His eyes landed on her, and she saw that he wasn't going to listen.

People will often say 'I don't need your help' when they need help the most. Mara was not one of those people because what Augustus didn't know was that Mara was the bare-knuckle boxing champion of the twelve magical traveling families who roamed Europe.

The Corvos had put her in the ring when the villages they traveled through weren't interested in miracles.

Augustus wasn't going to back off and walk away. Instead, he swung out and hit Seamus in the face. Mara shifted out of the way as the other two men rushed to help him.

She let them get two good hits on Augustus before she stepped in and gave the three boys the flogging of their lives. It was barely a minute before they were lying on the dirty wet ground with blood leaking out of them.

"Jesus," Augustus heaved as he stared at her with wide eyes. Mara reached out to steady him as he swayed.