Mara kissed him, her whole body shaking as he fucked her through her orgasm and found his own. He held her close, his face buried in her neck.

She stroked the long curve of his back, languishing in being as close to him as she could ever be to another person.

"My sorcerer, how will I ever give you up now?" she murmured.

Augustus held her tighter like he was afraid she would try and leave. "There will be no giving up for either of us. We were destined, saint. You're mine, and I'm never letting you go."

Tears pricked Mara's eyes. She had been unwanted for so long that she didn't know how to process all she was feeling.

Her family had always seen her as more of a curse than a blessing, and her own mother resented her even as she claimed to love her.

To have someone want her simply for being Mara and not her miracles was too new to comprehend.

"You might have to remind me that sometimes," she whispered.

Augustus pulled back, his expression soft. "Oh, love, I'm going to be making my claim on you every damn day until I die."


"Sorcerers must beaware of the magic around them at all times, whether it's to call on it for aid or to warn others of the danger. Wild magic is unpredictable and truly neutral. It will take as easily give, and should never be trusted, like those who wield it." — Sorcery in the Age of Reason.

Augustus woke with his legs tangled in his blankets and a siren song drifting up the stairs. He could still feel Mara's warmth in the sheets and smell her perfume in the air.

His smile was instant, lazy, and intensely satisfied. He pulled on a pair of jeans and went downstairs to find his troublesome saint.

Augustus paused in the kitchen door, watching her brew coffee. She was in one of his shirts, one foot resting against her calf and humming a strange melody.

Augustus loved seeing her in his kitchen, moving about like she belonged in his house, because she did. He couldn't handle not touching her, so he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey, good morning," she said in surprise and then melted back into him. "I hope you don't mind, but I helped myself to your wardrobe. My sweater was left in England."

"Take whatever you want. I would go and get it for you, but I like you in this shirt far too much," Augustus said, kissing her cheek. "What has you up so early?"

"It's nine o'clock."

"Far too early. Come back to bed with me."

Mara shook her head and poured out their coffee. "I need to go home and make sure Athanasius has food."

"I'm sure he'll survive a few more hours."

"My pillows won't when he pisses on them out of spite," Mara said, passing him a mug. Her lips looked a little swollen from kisses, and Augustus's dick hardened. "Don't you look at me like that, sorcerer."

"Like what?" he said innocently.

Mara's eyes narrowed playfully. "Like I'm about to end up bent over the kitchen table."

"How have you managed to catalog my expressions so accurately already?" he demanded, making her laugh.

"I'll be back later, and then we'll see about the kitchen table."

"That's my saint." Augustus bit his bottom lip and looked her over. "How long does it take to feed a cat?"

"You have work to do, sorcerer. Focus on that for a few hours," Mara said, sipping her coffee.

"What work?"

"The hole in magic. Do you remember it? You love taking your measurements and all of that…" she made a dismissive gesture with her hand, "sorcerer stuff."