It was combined with another feeling that she knew she couldn't fight off anymore. She was falling in love with him, and her heart refused to accept how terrible an idea it was.

Inside, the harsh fluorescent lights and smell of cleaning products were overwhelming. There were people everywhere, the corridors of rooms making everything seem like an overwhelming maze.

Augustus didn't let her go for a second, moving like he knew exactly where he was going. People seemed to feel his power in the air and instinctively got out of his way. Mara used him as a human shield so she didn't get knocked about. She could feel the grief in the air and clinging to the walls.

This was a bad idea.

As a saint, her instinct was to try and fix things, to alleviate the suffering.

"Are you okay? You've got quite the grip," Augustus said.

Mara dodged a doctor with a clipboard. "I'm a little overwhelmed, that's all. All I feel is heartache."

"It's why I hate hospitals. All I feel is ghosts," he replied.

"Can you see them?"

"Sometimes. It's better if I don't look for them. They all think I can help them move on when I can't. The sooner we get out of here, the better. Ah, here we are." Augustus pointed to the sign leading to the Intensive Care Unit. He placed his palm over a keypad, and the glass doors slid open.

Mara's ears buzzed at the sudden hush that descended over them. Machines hummed and beeped, but everyone was speaking in low voices. There were tired people in the small waiting room, some asleep on couches and others nervously pacing.

August frowned at them before checking the rooms, stopping when he saw a nun. Mara had met a few good nuns in her lifetime, but this one felt wrong. Her vision blurred, and for a moment, the woman had wispy skeletal wings rising from her back.

"Do you want to live? It is but a simple yes or no. Yes, I give you years collected from the loved ones weeping in the other room. So few, they would barely miss them…" the nun was whispering.

"Yeah, I wouldn't count on it," Augustus said, leaning against the doorframe.

The nun turned away from the man on the bed, face twisting in anger before smoothing out and smiling when she saw who it was.

She was stunningly beautiful, with pale blue eyes, a wide mouth, and glossy black curls spilling around her shoulders under her veil. Her smile was warm and electric and all for him.

"Vance. It's been too long," she purred.

"Angelica. Have you been a naughty little sin eater?" Augustus chided.

Blue eyes went wide. "Why would you ever think that?"

"The letters I keep getting, my dear. You need to be careful that the people you are making deals with don't tell their families that the only reason they made such miraculous recoveries is because they've stolen their time." Augustus crossed his arms. "Well? Why are you hunting so aggressively here?"

"You know I'm called to where people are most desperate, Augie. It's not my fault they can't keep their mouths shut."

Mara's eyes narrowed at the pet name. Suddenly she wanted to smack the sin eater in her perfect face. It was an irrational sort of anger she had never felt before, and her hand on Augustus tightened.

Angelica seemed to notice her for the first time. "Well, well, well. What do we have here? You got yourself a new pet. Hello, pretty." She reached for Mara, and Augustus smacked her hand away.

"She's mine, creature. So keep that glamour in check, or I'll get upset," Augustus said, slowly moving in front of Mara.

"You're really no fun. What are you even doing here? You know you can't stop me,Judge," Angelica mocked.

"I'm not here to stop you. If the humans are dumb enough to make a deal with you, then that's on them. The problem is you not hunting wide enough not to get noticed. I have people writing in complaints, and I'm tired of getting them."

Angelica made an exasperated sound. "Fine! I'll move on. No one would want you to be inconvenienced by a few letters."

"Maybe you should stop being so greedy."

"The humans are so chock-full of sin and secrets haunting them by the time they reach their death beds that I offer a service, that's all," Angelica argued, and her voice went soft. "But I'll do as you say, Augie. You're the last person I would want to upset."

"You've always been smart like that. Move on, and do circuits of the hospitals, for fuck's sake. There's enough of them in the city."