"If you two are done standing around, can I please have an introduction?"

Leaning against the wooden banister was a lean, beautiful brown man with fiery hair. His eyes were dark green and shone in the half-light.

"This is Mara, Saint of grief and wonder," Augustus said before making a dismissive gesture with his hand. "And this is Flynn."

"Mara, at last." Flynn gently pushed Augustus out of the way and gave her a low, elegant bow. "It is a pleasure to meet the saint that has put this old man's panties in such a twist."

"He strikes me more as a boxers guy," Mara replied, shaking the sprite's hand. Flynn's smile was mischievous and delighted.

"I like her," he said to Augustus.

"Connor asked her out." He wasn't exactly pouting, but there was definitely atonethat Mara puzzled over. Connor was a nice, good-looking guy, definitely not someone to be warned over.

"You took her to see the Druids? I really need to talk to you about going on dates of better quality."

"Connor was very gentlemanly about it. I think it was more of an apology date than adatedate."

"Sweet Saint, I can't blame the man for trying. I'm just surprised he had the stones to do it in front of Augustus," Flynn said with an impish grin.

"Fuck Connor and his bad manners. What have you made for dinner, Flynn?" Augustus said.

Flynn wrapped Mara's hand over his arm. "Come, darling, I've made a vegan lasagna and some herby pull-apart bread. Do you like wine?"

"Only if it's red," Mara replied. She looked over her shoulder at Augustus, reaching behind her with her other hand, but he was already too far away. He smiled at her, and his lips were more like they were when he'd been sleeping, relaxed and untroubled.

"Let him brood and get himself together. The Druids always put him out of sorts," Flynn said, once the kitchen door shut behind them.

Mara sat down at a pine table as Flynn moved around the pale yellow kitchen. Like the rest of the house, it had been renovated in previous years with stainless steel appliances to match the stove and oven.

"Who would've thought a sorcerer would be so domestic," Mara said with a shake of her head.

"He's a fucking slob, so he uses magic to keep it clean because he's incapable of keeping up with it himself. His study is the only part of the house where the magic doesn't work, which is why it looks like a tornado has gone through it." Flynn uncorked a bottle of wine and poured her a glass. "It really is great to see him take an interest in something other than that dratted hole in the magical ozone."

"But itisabout the hole. I'm helping him close it. I think. He said every time he comes to see me, it gets smaller," Mara said as she took the glass of wine.

"Perhaps, but it's still nice to see him try and make friends with someone. I thought he told me that you don't like sorcerers."

"He's the only person that hasn't forgotten me in nearly my whole life. I can't help but be curious about that."

"Sounds like he's not the only one that needs a friend. I'm happy he's finally letting go of this curse nonsense and letting someone in," Flynn said, sitting down beside her.

"What curse? My curse? Because I have more than one."

"No, darling. Augustus's curse. You mustn't have delved too deeply into his heartache if you haven't figured it out yet."

"Figured what out?"

"That everyone he's ever loved has died. That's why he believes he's cursed and keeps to himself."

Mara took a large mouthful of wine. "He's not cursed. Believe me, I'd know. My family has had that many curses on them, I don't even know which ones I have. If anyone is surprised he's willing to risk being my friend, it's me."

Flynn sighed. "He always did like complicated women."

Mara was saved from having to ask precisely what Flynn meant by that as Augustus breezed into the kitchen and took a beer from the fridge.

"What have you been saying to make Mara look so worried?" he asked, sitting down opposite her.

"Flynn was curious to know why I'm here if I don't like sorcerers."