"We're just friends," Augustus pointed out a little too quickly.

"And how do you know it's not me courting him?" Mara asked and knocked back her shot.

Connor's laughter was a deep rumble. "I'm starting to think he's met his match in you, lass. Best behave around this one, Augustus, or she might give you a belting like she did the boys."

"Noted," Augustus nodded.

They stayed with Connor, drinking and eating until the tension had finally vanished in the kitchen. Augustus didn't mind Connor, the arrogant son of a bitch streak that his father had wasn't present in him.

Mara charmed the Druid with ease, telling him about how she'd learned Gaelic (from a witch who'd traveled with them for a year before leaving the family to become an accountant) and discussing the Druid movements in Melbourne.

Augustus wondered if he had the same stupid look on his face that Connor did when speaking to the little saint. They dropped in and out of Gaelic, and Augustus was sure it was so they could talk about him.

"That was fun," Mara said when they left the café.

"I'm pretty sure you made Seamus piss himself. It was brilliant." Augustus decided now was the time to let out his proud smile. "Youwere brilliant."

"Nice guy, Connor. He asked me out."

Augustus stopped so suddenly, a group of Japanese tourists crashed into him awkwardly. "That bastard. I was sitting right there!"

Mara shrugged. "What do you care? As you said, we are just friends, and it's not like you are trying to court me."

"Doesn't mean I don't want you to do better than a fucking Druid. Friends don't let friends date Druids, Mara."

"Whatever you say,friend," she said, emphasizing the word in a way that made him even more flustered. Augustus needed to fix this and fast.

"Come over. I have a forest sprite cooking dinner tonight, and he wants to meet you."

"You know a forest sprite?" she asked, immediately brightening.

"Sure I do. His name's Flynn, and he's a pain in my ass too, so you will have lots in common."


"There arethree things a saint must never do: take gold for a miracle, believe they are worthy of worship, and make a deal with a sorcerer." — Sayings of the Blessed Crow.

This time when Mara reached the garden gate to the house on Albert Street, the wards met her with a warm tingle of greeting across her skin.

"You built me a loophole into your wards?" she asked.

"Of course I did. I don't want you to think you're not welcome here," Augustus said, shedding his jacket before reaching to help her out of her own.

"Thank you. It's nice to feel wanted," she replied. He hung up her coat and hesitated.

"I'm sorry if I did anything untoward the other evening. I am usually quite an affable drunk, so if I did anything to make you feel uncomfortable, I'd like to know," he said.

Mara studied the stubble on his jawline and felt it moving up her neck as his strong arms held her.

"You did nothing that made me uncomfortable," she said, honestly.

Flustered, aroused, confused, but definitely not uncomfortable.

Augustus relaxed. "Good. I've been worried."

Mara placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "If youhaddone something that I didn't like, do you think I'd be standing in your hallway right now?"

"Good point." Augustus placed his hand over hers. "There's something I need to tell—"