Page 22 of Dragon Billionaire

He’d have to be quiet, but at least the water would help drown the sound of his hand sliding up and down the length of him. His breathing was already labored once he finally closed his hand in a tight grip around his rock-hard dick. He didn’t get more than a few pumps in before he came, biting his lower lip to keep himself from crying out. The orgasm shook itself through him and he brazed himself with one hand against the wall, sliding his hand slowly up and down his cock as satisfaction rolled over him.


He forced himself not to start fantasizing again, bending his neck to let the hot water wash away his desire. This wasn’t the time. They had somewhere to be. Somewhere that could prove dangerous if either of them was distracted.


Anna looked like a movie star, her dark hair swept into a sideways do, exposing her neck. It was making it mightily difficult for him to not want to touch her at any given moment. He’d placed a hand on her lower back as they stepped onto the elevator, feeling the soft velvet of the coat she was wearing over her stunning, sequined dress, and the curve of her lower back as he pressed gently into it. She hadn’t minded, or at least she hadn’t given any sign that she did. He’d almost kept his hand there for the entire ride down in the elevator but had grown self-conscious and had let his hand drop.

Now they were in the car. The driver was a quiet statue in the front seat. One of her father’s. Zeke had little interest to get to know the man if he was honest, but to distract himself, he was making small talk.

All the while thinking of Anna’s hand, Anna’s wrist, Anna’s leg as she crossed one leg over the other, exposing a thigh that looked soft and round, smooth and inviting.

What was this obsessive-compulsive behavior all of a sudden?

The need to touch her was making him feel feverish.

He refused to give in again, because in the elevator, once he’d dropped his arm, he’d have to keep himself from wrapping it all the way around her waist. His lips eager to find hers, his mouth wanting that first taste. It was her smell. That scent that went straight to his head, traveled through his veins, into his groin. It made him feel weak and energized at the same time.

Distraction, he reminded himself and continued with the small talk.

They reached the gates of the Kuznetsovs estate. High and gilded, elaborately wrought with vines full of tiny leaves. It would have been beautiful if it wasn’t sliding open to a place so representative of everything Zeke abhorred. He found it ironic that through this situation he’d found a semblance of a glimmer of appreciation for his father’s golden standards in business: no harming animals and no hurting kids. He’d never seen it put into actual effect before. It was a new side to Semyon Kumarin.

The Kuznetsovs house came into view, lit up for the evening’s affair with the Kuznetsovs coat of arms projected over the door. The white stone façade sparkled lightly when the headlights of the car hit it, the downstairs windows all lit up while the rest of the home lay in darkness. It was a strange contrast of clear invitation and a warning to stay out. Zeke knew he was about to ignore that warning, and his pulse sped up, his desire finally shoving off into the back of his mind. They were here for the ledger. Failure wasn’t an option.

The driver pulled up and the front doors loomed, propped open to show off the milling guests beyond. A doorman was already waiting, opening the door on Anna’s side to let them both out.

“You okay?” Zeke asked.

She looked back at him over her shoulder, giving him a smile and a nod.

She stepped out, he followed, somewhat ungracefully. Too tall to make it look effortless. She waited until he’d folded himself out of the backseat to reach out and slip her hand in his. The touch felt like a spark of lightening up his arm and for the first time he started questioning the reaction he kept having to her nearness. It felt exaggerated, and he’d wondered if it kept happening because she was someone he couldn’t too easily have, but then he hadn’t felt like this was about possessing her. She was already tied to him. This was about something else entirely.

To touch her, but not only do it skin-deep. To reach within her. To pry at those old emotions, see if they still had any hold over her.

She’d told him she didn’t know if she still wanted him.

He wanted to let her know.

They walked together through the wide doorway into the elegant hall. It was a perfectly square room, with high ceilings covered in fantastical art. Dragons snaked themselves into every corner from the center, where the famous chandelier hung, shaped as a newly opened dragon egg. He caught Anna’s amazement and had to smile. Whatever else the Kuznetsovs represented, it was difficult not to have one’s breath taken away at the splendor of the space.

He'd been in the house a few times but didn’t know his way around any better than Anna did, meaning they had this adventure cut out for them. All sharp edges and possible pitfalls. They’d agreed to begin by mingling, scoping out the ground floor as inconspicuously as possible.

“You ready?” Anna asked, giving his hand one of those little squeezes she’d given him throughout their meeting with their fathers.

He smiled at her, feeling as though he would rather tear the house down brick by brick than have anything happen to her.

“There’s no surveillance inside the house,” Pietr had told them as he relayed his plan. “Vasili is too proud. His guards too well-trained. Vasili trusts that any threat will be dealt with before it ever reaches the front step. Those guards will be stationed throughout the house, but I doubt they’ll be watching the second and third floors.”

“You doubt?” Zeke had cut in.

Pietr had given him one of those blank stares that said nothing and yet said everything. Zeke had shut up after that.

“You have to get to the third floor.”

“And go where? Which way?” Anna had asked.

“You’ll have to figure it out. It’s a big place, Anna, and you won’t have much time. Make it count.”