As if I want to go anywhere.
The feelings rushed through me until I gasped brokenly, exhausted and overwhelmed.
Eventually he released the bite, his chest heaving against my back as he breathed roughly. Even when I shifted, his knot tugged at my overstimulated cunt, telling me I was trapped.
He grumbled then moved, wrapping his arm around my waist to keep me against him. He twistedso he rested behind me, us on the ground, then licked at the bite wound. It soothed the burn and teased me.
I glanced up at Kase, grateful to see those horrible black veins gone, to find him looking like his old self again. He looked back, with a softness to his expression that always surprised me.
He reached down, sliding his fingers through my hair—a gentle, sweet touch so at odds with how rough the sex had been—before he grabbed a cushion from the couch and put it down, beneath Troy’s and my heads. Afterward, he rose, walking from the room, probably to clean up.
It left Troy locked inside me, his arm tight around me, as he nuzzled at the wound on my neck.
This was worth sticking around for, and I could only hope Kase had decided that as well.