“Adam.” She rushed forward to press a kiss to his lips.

A kiss he didn’t return.

Instead, he moved away, his eyes narrowed and hard.

“What is it?” she asked.

“I’m tired of this,” he answered.

“Of what?”

“Of you, of fighting, ofallof this.”

She took a step backward. “What are you talking about? We don’t fight.”

“Of course we do. I want to live here, you don’t. I want to go there, you don’t. Everything is an argument.”

Lilith pulled her shoulders back, pressing her lips together. She might have loved him, but she was no wilting flower. “We settle together, compromise. What do you want? For me to blindly follow?”

“Yes,” he said, throwing his arms up. “That’s exactly what I want! Why can you not just obey?”

“How can you love someone who simply obeys you? Who is less than you are?”

“How can I love someone who doesn’t?” The venom in his voice made my stomach clench, reminded me of how often I’d craved acceptance and not found it.

There was no worse feeling.

Lilith drew her hands into fists, her chin lifted high. “Well, you’ll have to get used to it. Till death do us part, remember?” She turned her back on him, but I suspected it was to hide the pain on her face.


The sharpened tip of a wooden spear came through Lilith’s chest, and she stared at it with the same shock I had.

Adam held the other end, having run her through when her back was turned, like a coward.

Lilith collapsed, blood running down the spear and coating Adam’s hands. He didn’t drop to his knees, didn’t at least hold her,something. He let her bleed out in front of him, watching as if it didn’t matter, not offering any comfort.

“Mankind needs agoodstart. That won’t come from you, from disobedience.”

“Our fathers—” Lilith said around a mouthful of blood.

“Have already accepted that this didn’t work. My father will make me a new bride, aproperone, and yours will never know what happened. And you? Well, you’ll be dead, so what does it matter?”

She shuddered, gasping, unable to speak any further.

The vision moved, showed Adam burning her body, before it came to an image of Lucifer walking into a room, one with Lilith in it. She sat on a bed, but there was something missing from her. She’d lost the spark I’d seen in the woman, as if Adam had extinguished it. But that was the point, wasn’t it? Thiswasn’tLilith anymore—it was just an echo.

Lucifer stared at her for a long while, but did he see it? Could he tell that it wasn’t her, that what was in front of him was the memory of her, the spirit left behind?

His lips pressed together into a tight line.

He has to know…

“My daughter,” he said softly, his voice more gentle than I’d ever heard from him, before waiting as if to see if she’d look up.

She did, and his eyes widened.

It was proof enough that he’d known.