It was a surrender, an acknowledgment that I wanted it as much as I wanted Troy. I got that, didn’t I? The feeling of being unwanted sucked, and Troy’s wolf had suffered through that the entire time Troy had been a werewolf. Always shoved aside, always hated.

The wolf ran its snout against my cheek, its warm breath tickling as it nuzzled back, moving over my throat, my collarbone, between my breasts. It almost seemed like this was a claiming of its own. It returned to the crook of my neck, where Troy had bitten—or had it been the wolf?—and licked there, the action sending a wave of pleasure through me.

Which was one hell of a thing. Fucking Troy partially shifted was one thing, but taking the wolf like this would be an entirely different level of kink.

Was I ready for that?

I wanted to say no, as inof coursethat was too far, but the way I clutched him tighter said the answer wasn’t so cut-and-dried.

Not that I needed to come to terms with my feelings on it right then, since Troy set a hand on my back—the human Troy, not his wolf.

A Troy-wolf sandwich didn’t sound half bad, either…

I twisted just enough to see his face, some of the lines of tension gone. He pressed a soft kiss to my lips at the same moment his wolf nipped the bite mark.

It was a moment of surrender for usall. Me, into being the mate to both, Troy from his fears or need to distance himself from his wolf and the beast for being accepted.

As much as I would have loved to see just what that could mean for the three of us, everything dissolved around me, Troy and the wolf turning to dust, as I was cast into yet another scene.

And I had a feeling the next wouldn’t get me any closer to a kinky threesome.