“Kase hired them? Why?”

“Because he didn’t like the idea of you coming out in public like this without more protection.”

“I’m out in public all the time.”

Troy shifted, a sure-fire giveaway.

“Please tell me I didn’t have people following me.”

Again, no answer.

I dropped my head to the table, and the position muffled my voice. “I was doing private things. Who was following me when I went to buy tampons?”

Troy cleared his throat. “I believe Grant had someone on you, then. You got whiskey, too.”

“And chocolate. I made a milkshake.”

“Wouldn’t that be a whiskey-shake?”

“Let’s not play semantics.” I lifted my head. “Last I checked, I took out a reaper for you guys. In fact, Iama reaper. Why do you think I need protection?”

He shrugged. “I’m not hiring people to follow you.”

“But you’re taking me to places they tell you to go.”

“Because I knew we’d have a shadow anyway, and it seemed like less work to go somewhere they wouldn’t stick out.”

“This is crazy.” I took out my phone and called Kase.

The bastard didn’t answer. Heknewwhat I was calling about, I’d bet. At least, that was what I told myself.

I refused to think anything might have happened to him, no matter how bad he’d looked the last time.

I pressed Grant’s contact next, and to my amazement, hedidanswer, in afar-too-cheerful tone. “I know what you’re going to say, and no, I won’t call off the guards. Also, have the salmon—it’s fantastic. The lemon salmon, not the ambrosia one, though. The last time you had ambrosia, you stole Lucifer’s underwear.”

So much for giving him the benefit of the doubt, for thinking he hadn’t really been involved in this plan.

“You can’t hire people to stalk me.”

“Of course I can, and from what I gather, they’re pretty good at it.” His voice wavered as if he were holding the phonebetween his shoulder and his ear and had moved around while speaking. “Why are you on the phone with me, though? I was pretty sure Troy would manage to keep you busy enough that you’d stay out of my hair.”


“Well, fuck you,” I muttered and hung up before he could say anything else.Weeks of nothing and that’s what he has to say to me?

When my phone rang, I set it on the table. It vibrated against the wood, and the glares of other patrons said it was the height of rudeness.

It was, but they could go to hell.

Literally. I’d been—they might enjoy it.

The ringing stopped, then picked up from Troy’s phone. He reached for it, and I pointed across the table. “I am closer to your balls than he is—I suggest you let it ring.”

Troy shook his head, that same old annoyance in his features, the one I’d seen for years before we’d known the truth about one another. “You shouldn’t be mad at him.”

“Oh,you’redefending Grant? You, who are the most jealous man I know, are actually going to sit here and tell me I shouldn’t be mad at him?”

“I’m notthatjealous.”