I’d left the protection of people who could keep me safe and for what?

I was as bad as every stupid woman in a movie, making dumb choices.

“You are so fucked,” the kid said, the words coming from his young voice and yet tinged in so much blood. “Never should have come out alone.”

I scrambled backward but ran into a solid body.

Please let it be Hunter.

I wasn’t so lucky, though, because when I twisted, it was Jerrod’s face I found. His unnaturally pale skin, his yellow eyes—they weren’t the sort of thing I’d forget.

I went to scream, to try to alert Hunter or the others, but he wrapped his hand around my mouth.

It was so similar to that first night with Hunter, but where Hunter had been saving me, I was pretty sure Jerrod had no such good things in mind.

The curl of his lips into a blood-freezing smile assured me of that.