The reaper screamed, this time the sound audible to me.

Instead of being driven backward again, it seemed locked in place for a moment before it shattered, devolving into mist then into nothing.

Had I killed it?

I twisted to find all four men staring at me, eyes wide.

“Ava?” Hunter asked.

I answered, but the words didn’t leave my mouth. It was that pressure in my temples instead, just like it had been when the reaper had screamed.

“I don’t think she knows,” Kase said.

I wanted to ask what I didn’t know but again, the words wouldn’t come.

Grant lifted his hand and waved it into a circle, and a shimmering space of air appeared with a mirror in it.

And there, staring back at me, wasn’t the face I recognized. It wasn’t the dark hair and the green eyes I knew so well.

Instead, a dark figure hovered there, and the undeniable truth hit me.

After all the years of trying to understand what I was, of wondering where my skills came from, the answer was there, and it was one I wasn’t ready for.

I was a reaper….