Above?I looked around to find myself on the ground beneath the large tree in the courtyard.

And sure enough, I clutched a pair of boxers I didn’t recognize in my hand. “Whose are these?”

“I figured one of your men.”

“None of them wear silk boxers.”

I pushed myself up to sitting, my stomach rolling.

Gran held her hand out and took them. “These are Lucifer’s.”

“What?” If I’d felt sick before it was nothing compared to now. “Why do I have Lucifer’s underwear?”

“That I can’t tell you.”

“How do you even know they’re his?”

She held them up and showed the interior band whereLuciferwas embroidered.

“He has his own name on his underwear? Why?”

“Maybe because people like you steal them.”

I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hands and filed that away for worry another time. “I thought ambrosia worked until I took one of those pills. I am feeling very much not drunk enough right now.”

“I put two of those pills in your mouth a few hours ago then let you sleep off the rest.”

“Why does my head hurt so much? I didn’t have a hangover last time.”

“You were drunk enough to try and climb the magic tree with Lucifer’s stolen boxers. I’m going to guess you had a lot more than you did last time.”

I frowned, then recalled before that had happened. “That man stuck his fingers in my brain!”

Gran patted her side. “Maybe I have another pill…”

I got to my feet and waved her off. “I’m not still high. Lucifer had some guy with a big red beard dig around in my mind trying to figure out what I was.”

“Good thing you were drugged then. That sounds like a lot rougher than you like your sex.”

I gave her a glare. “How long until the next competition?”

“They called for it a few minutes ago.”

I glanced around the empty courtyard. “So where is everyone?”

“Lucifer is holding the final round local-style. He set up a spot just this side of the dead zone.”

The loud, low sound that chilled me rang through the palace, telling me it had started.

Lucifer knew where I was because he seemed to know everything. He’d done this on purpose, which meant I had to get to the competitionnow.

I rush toward the doorway, Gran on my heels despite the fact that she looked far too old to be running that fast.

Please don’t let me be too late.

I made it to the top of a staircase that led down to the outer courtyard. The arena sat on the outer edge, between the palace and the dead zone.

All four men still stood, letting me pull in a rough breath. The short run had winded me, telling me my exercise routine was sorely lacking.