“I thought she was sterile?”

“She is. She could never bear children or create life on her own, so instead took dead bodies and breathed a semblance of life into them. She created the first vampire, and it was God’s anger over it that forced them into the darkness. She didn’t create all immortals, but they all have a certain amount of credit to her, because it was her work with vampires that sparked many of them into existence by that defiance. They are the children she was denied.”

“So why don’t I know that? Why haven’t I heard that before?”

“Because she also believed that freedom was the most important gift any could give another. She didn’t believe in raising or taking any part in their lives because she saw that as a sort of control. I think she finds solace in their presence whether or not she has a connection with them personally.”

I blew out a slow breath, the story harder and harder to follow as the ambrosia lessened my focus. “And your other kids?”

“Many have positions of power here in the afterlife. Some have chosen to live on earth. Some are mortal, some immortal. Many take after whatever their mother was and thus live the life she had. Countless I don’t even know about.”

“Father of the year, huh?”

“Live as long as I have, bury as many offspring as I have and you will realize that they matter little.” He caught my chin, turning my head as he stared into my eyes. “You’re ready.”

“You care to tell me for what?”

Lucifer went to the door and spoke to someone outside. Afterward, another person followed him back in.

The man was dressed in a simple pair of jeans and a shirt, making him completely out of place. “This is her?”

Lucifer nodded.

“How deep should I go?”

“As far as you have to. I need to know if I’m right.”

And boy didthatsound like something I was not going to enjoy with these two…