“Yeah, I am.”

“Wish I could say the same for us.”

“If you knew what was coming, how did it hurt you this much?”

“Because when Persephone told Hunter about the banshee, I expected a regular ol’ one. Most don’t get much over thirty years, if that. All that screaming drives them mad. What I did would offer full protection from any run-of-the-mill banshee, but leave it to me to underestimate Lucifer. The one he found was one hell of a surprise. I don’t think I’ll get rid of this headache for at least a week.”

I went to reach for him but froze before I made contact. I didn’t want to risk hurting him.

He let out a rough chuckle, then caught my wrist and tugged my hand until it rested against his chest. “I’m not that fragile.”

“You don’t look good.” My hand on his chest, feeling the thump of his heart against my palm, helped. “I thought…”

Grant pressed my hand tighter to his chest as if to prove a point. “I’m fine, really.”

I sighed, focusing on the steady beat of his heart. “I hate how much waiting there is. I always figured things like this would be all go, go, go. Instead, I’m putting on dresses, going to stupid parties, and I just keep getting my ass handed to me by Lucifer. You end up getting hurt, and for what? We’ve been in hell for days and I don’t think we’re any closer to figuring this out than we were before.”

Grant stroked his thumb over my wrist. “Oh, I see, we’re having a pity party?” He sighed, then released me. A wave of his hand and a whispered spell occurred a moment before something fell onto the bed between us. I pushed backward to see what it was.

Between us sat a bag of chocolates, and I frowned. “Did you just magic us some chocolate? I thought you needed rest to recuperate your magic.”

He smirked, the grin fuller as if annoying me perked him up. “Chocolate is needed for pity parties. I’d give you wine, too, but you are a mean and handsy drunk. Though, if I heard right through the door, if you’re doing to see Lucifer, maybe mean and handsy is the way to play it.”

I picked up the small bag of candy and chuckled at how simple it was. Leave it to Grant to be the one to try and make hell normal.

“Now, lie down and hush,” he said. “I’m supposed to be resting.”

I did as he said, twisting so my back was toward him, then let him scoot as close as he wanted to. As it turned out, that was right up against me, because he groaned as he slung his arm around me.

“We are getting closer,” he said. “It may not seem like it, it might not feel like it, but we’re getting closer. That’s how this sort of things works. The worse it gets, the closer you are to the center.”

“Sure. You’re half-dead, we’re still stuck in hell, no idea who that shadow is and now I’m stuck having to submit to Lucifer.”

“You’re forgetting something. “

“Oh yeah? What am I forgetting?”

He tapped my hand that had the bag in it. “You’ve got chocolate.”

I looked down at my hand and the candy in it, then laughed softly and settled in. “Well, I guess we can’t lose, then.”

“I’ll put my money on you and chocolate any day.”

I rested against him, choosing to take the short amount of time until I had to deal with Lucifer to relax.

We lay there for thirty minutes until I knew my time was running short. I offered Grant a quick kiss, and was disappointed to find the main room empty, Kase having taken off.

When I returned to my room, before heading to see Lucifer, something sat folded and wrapped in tissue on my bed. I picked up a note at the top, unfolding it to find perfectly written letters and Kase’s name at the bottom.

I recall the first time seeing you in this. You faced down Colter in it, and I think you need to remember that. Maybe you didn’t need something new—you needed something old. Gran was willing to retrieve this for me, and I am sure the price will be high. Make it worth it.


I frowned as I tore open the tissue, then found the item inside.

A smile crossed my lips…

It was times like this when I had to admit, no matter how scary and closed off he was, he had his charm…