“I knew you could not have orchestrated it.”

“So why did you ruin my whole week and drag me here?”

“Because of what happened when you tried to find that first spirit.”

I frowned, thinking back to what Hunter had said, that other things couldfeelthat. Hunter, the warden, Lucifer.

It seemed I was luckier than I’d realized that nothing worse had happened…

“That’s it? You don’t even care about the whole world-ending thing?”

“I care about the spirits, but my influence at the moment is limited to here in hell, and seeing as the spirits aren’there, there isn’t much I can do. You, however, are potentiallyfarmore valuable. What you did shouldn’t have been possible, and things that aren’t possible are my favorite.” That came across as far more of a threat then a compliment. As it turned out, the devil thinking I was valuable just didn’t please me.

It was a time when I missed flying under the radar in life…

Things were so much easier when I didn’t have everyone looking my way.

“I hate to be the one to tell you, but if you think I’m going to be useful in any way, you’ve wasted your time. I am, at best, a fucked-up medium.” Good thing I wasn’t wearing the bracelet, because I was pretty sure I’d get one hell of a shock for that statement.

The more time passed, the more I learned, the more I accepted I wasn’t human, at least not in the strict sense. No matter how badly I wanted to be, no matter how much I wanted to be just like everyone else, I guess turning into some sort of ghost creature was a good way to shock me out of my belief.

Lucifer exhaled sharply, a sound that said I was being foolish. He gestured to the side of me without addressing my statement. “It is nearly time for the competition to begin. We should take our seats.”

“Wonderful. It’s been almost a whole day since I had to sit on a skull. I miss that incredibly gross feeling.”

Lucifer sighed, then pulled a cloth from the inside pocket of his suit jacket and handed it to me, leaving the one in his outer pocket free from me stealing it. “Mortals are tiresome. I remember now why I don’t allow them in the palace.”

“Well, maybe remember it next time you decide tosummonone, because this wasn’t my idea of a great time, either.”

He crossed his arms as I spread the cloth over the seat and lowered myself into it, grimacing at just how uncomfortable bone furniture was. “Your mouth will be the death of you,” he said before taking his own seat.

He was probably right.

Watching both teams come out made me question not giving into the blue team’s demands.

The blue team had behemoths of men on it along with one woman who was tall and had horns that went up from her temples then twisted back to meet behind her head. They looked like the sort of people who would kill someone for nothing more than being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

It was afarcry from my team.

Sure, I knew what my boys could do—I’d seen it. However, where the blue team wore their viciousness on their sleeves, my boys didn’t look nearly as intimidating.

A fear crept into me.

What if I’d picked wrong? What if one of themdidget killed? What if it was all my fault?

I met Grant’s gaze, and all those worries must have shown on my face because he gave me a smirk andwinked.

The arrogant bastard. Still, it helped. He knew what he was capable of, what the others were. Grant was not the self-sacrificing type, especially not without milking the hell out of it. There was no way he’d just allow himself to be killed off without even an ill-timed joke.

It let me draw in a breath, to remind myself that they’d survived one round and a few attempts over the night.

An announcer called both teams, this time calling out each member individually. When the teams had been introduced the last time, the crowd had gone crazy for the blue team. The crowd had been almost deafening with fanboy and fangirls.

This time, however, things had changed. When the woman gestured toward the black team, those standing around went wild.

She went through each of them, as she had the other team, and there was no doubt the crowd had taken to my boys.

Hunter threw his arms up and spun as if the cheering of fans were the best thing he’d ever experienced. Of course, before I could get too jealous, he turned toward me, winked, then blew a kiss.