Chapter Nine

As it turned out, having sex with a werewolf and a vampire caused more anxiety in me than I expected. It was far scarier than it had been with Hunter and Grant.

Maybe because Grant and Hunter hadn’t let me think straight enough to worry about the reality or consequences of what I was doing. We’d gotten right into it without this moment of stillness.

This time, in the quiet room, my nerves ran amok.

What if I was making a fool of myself? What if I realized this was a horrible idea? What if I somehow screwed the entire thing up and one or both blamed me later?

I mean, Troy had barelylookedat me since the issue at the house, since he’d shifted and nearly killed, well, all of us.

A part of me was amazed he was allowing this at all.

Then again, as he’d made clear, we didn’t have much of a choice. We needed to get to Lucifer’s Court and this was the only way it was happening.

Troy sat at the foot of the bed, and Kase moved behind him, energized as if the upcoming meal had given him strength. I hadn’t watched this before, had only felt the strike of Kase’s fangs into my throat.

A memory of my reaction, of the sensation drew a shiver from me. Sure, I wasn’t going to get a dose of that aphrodisiac, but I didn’t think I needed it, either.

Kase moved with a sureness that was staggering, looking every bit the predator. It was probably for the best that I hadn’t seen it before. It was as though he transformed again, from the man I knew to the creature that needed sustenance.

Troy swallowed and the bob of his Adam’s apple betrayed his nerves.

I slid from the bed and took a spot in front of him, then leaned in for a kiss. He hesitated for only a heartbeat, as if that were all it took for him to throw caution and worry aside. He pulled me closer, crushing me against his solid chest.

He broke the kiss, then blew out a slow breath that slid teasingly over my lips before he tilted his head, exposing his neck.

Kase had taken a spot to his side, then had him lean farther. It wasfarless intimate than it had been when he’d tried it on me, where I’d been pressed against him as much as possible.

Then again, I doubted Troy wanted Kase’s cock grinding into his back, so I guess there was some wisdom in a different position.

Even still, Kase didn’t restrain Troy.

“Are you ready?” Kase asked the question, but the other question was there between the words.Are you sure?

Troy offered one quick jerk of his head before it happened.

Kase peeled his lips back to expose those sharp, white fangs of his then struck, sinking them into Troy’s neck. It was so fast it was almost a blur.

Troy hissed softly, his only reaction, and Kase’s eyes lost that deep brown I so loved, taking on the primal red they did when he went full-vampire.

And, even though I wasn’t being bitten, even though I didn’t have Kase’s saliva affecting me, I couldn’t help the way my body heated at the sight.

Kase’s lips pressed against Troy’s neck, a small trail of red escaping, Kase’s hand now wrapped around the front of Troy’s neck to keep him still as he fed.

It was erotic in a way I’d never have expected, and my body sizzled with need. It crawled through me, making me heat, making me desperate to have a taste of that.

The moment Kase’s saliva started to work, though, was obvious. Troy’s white-knuckled attempt to stay still drifted away, and his muscles went lax.

Well, notallof them.

His jeans tented, the outline of his swelling cock telling me how quickly the saliva worked. He let out a groan, heavy and masculine, before curling his fingers in the blanket as though to try and keep still.

Andboydid I remember that feeling, the way Kase’s saliva had made my skin overly sensitive, made me want to rub against anything and everything.

I lowered myself after pressing Troy’s knees wide. I left a trail of kisses across his chiseled abs, enjoying the way they twitched beneath the touch. I traced each line with my lips, my tongue, then undid the button at his waist.
