When he plunged his agile fingers into me the first time, I cried out. I wondered for a moment if the rooms were soundproofed as well, but the thought left as quickly as it came.

It was hard to pretend to be shy or modest, especially as he twisted those fingers inside me, as he fucked up into me with purposeful and strong thrusts.

Before long, I moved with him, rolling my hips as I rose and lowered myself, wanting more from him.

“Please,” I asked him, lacing my fingers together to keep me from reaching out.

He pulled away from my breast, leaving the nipple shiny from his saliva, like a reminder of what he’d been doing. “We don’t have to rush—”

Stupid man, thinking he needed to take it slow, that I was fragile. I licked across his bottom lip, the only way I felt comfortable to touch him. “I want you, Kase. I want all of you.”

“Even after…” His hesitation spoke volumes. Even after he’d accidently hurt me, even after his story, after admitting his past, his hang-ups, his failings. He was asking how I could still want him after knowing it all.

It reminded me of his secrecy, of the way I was never sure if he was honest or not, and it all made so much sense. From the start, he’d been hiding because he never thought for a moment that I could still want him if I knew it all.

I pressed my forehead against his, my hands safely tucked behind me. “Yes. It doesn’t matter what you tell me, what you’ve been through, it doesn’t change how I feel. I want you.”

His breath held that copper tinge it always did when he exhaled, when it blew across my lips. He hadn’t fed in…I had no idea how long, so him smelling of blood was odd.

And far more arousing than it should have been…

Clearly my perversions were an ever-developing issue.

I thought, for a moment, he might turn me down. Maybe he’d decide it was too fast for him, or not the right place.

Maybe he was, under it all, a romantic who didn’t want to screw me for the first time in a by-the-hour motel in the afterworld.

Those thoughts went away when he moved, the way he did when it was faster than I could follow, and I found myself on my back, his strong, lean body above me. He stretched my hands out above me and pressed them against the headboard, the meaning clear.

I grasped the iron of the headboard, the designs twisting around like plants, giving me plenty of good spots to wrap my fingers around.

When I did, he dragged his hand down my arm, his other unfastening his slacks. He didn’t bother to remove them entirely, as if he were too afraid to lose the moment, that if he left me for even as long as it took to shuck his pants, he’d lose it all.

I spread my thighs, wrapping a leg up and around his hip, offering myself to him entirely.

He leaned his forehead against mine a moment before the blunt head of his cock seated against my cunt. I’d seen him naked, of course, butfeelinghim was a whole different matter. Again, it was strange that he wasn’t as warm as other men, but that didn’t matter. His cock was harder, the skin having that smooth, almost marble quality to it. It almost reminded me of a glass dildo, yet that couldn’t come close to just how amazing this felt, or just how anxious I was to have him fill me.

He let out a low, wild groan as he sank his thick cock into me, my body more than wet enough to allow him to glide easily.

I lifted my hips when he slowed. I didn’t want careful. I didn’t want him thinking or worrying. I just wantedhim.

His hips jerked forward when I tightened my leg around him, stealing another inch of his hard cock, before he seemed to understand.

“My brave Ava,” he all but growled into my ear. “I never expected you to want me, not really, but I swear I’ll give you all you can take.” The words were sweet, but his actions were anything but.

He shifted backward, then plunged deep into me in one hard thrust. The way my body stretched and how deliciously full I felt made my hands tighten on the headboard.

I planted one foot against the bed and met him thrust for thrust. Funny how he could seem so wild in that moment, yet I’dfelthis strength when he’d wrapped his hand around my throat, knew what he was capable of if he actually lost control.

Even as he took me hard, he was careful, because he could have easily hurt me if he’d wanted to.

He whispered, his voice strained, but I didn’t know the words. They were in a language I didn’t understand, as if he’d reverted to his native tongue, yet the tone gave away the meaning.

They were oddly sweet, said earnestly as if he’d meant nothing more. The words not translating must have had to do with him not being from hell, either.

He grasped my thigh in one hand, his hand tight, keeping me against him as he sank as deep into me as he could, as if he couldn’t get enough.

Neither could I.