“I didn’t bring anything. Lucifer summoned her here.” Hunter turned to peer at me, then back. “And she isn’t used to hell or our other form, so why don’t you change?”

Jerrod—or at least I assumed that was his name, given the conversation—made an unhappy sound before doing as Hunter asked. When done, he stood around six feet, covered in thick muscle much like Hunter, and with the same tattoos wrapped around him. However, his hair was shaved off, and he had an unhealthy, pale glow to his skin. He had eyes that were almost yellow, close enough to amber that a person wouldn’t immediately assume they were fake but far enough that anyone would take notice.

He was naked and had the same ‘I don’t give a shit’ attitude as Hunter.

It seemed modesty wasn’t an issue for hellhounds.

“Why do you like to look like this so much?” Jerrod asked, his lip curled up as if it was all together unacceptable. “It’s small and weak andsoft.”

“It has its advantages,” Hunter said, and I could hear his smirk even without him turning toward me. No doubt he was talking aboutadvantagesthat I didn’t care to discuss with company around. He moved on before I could scold him. “Besides, it isn’t like our other form can go inside.”

“Who wants to go inside? Give me the open air anytime.” Jerrod leaned to peer past Hunter, and the moment those freaky yellow eyes landed on me, I pressed closer to Kase. “Lucifer wants her? What for?”

“I don’t ask things like that,” Hunter said. “But more importantly, she’s under my protection.”

Jerrod snorted, as if that meant nothing. “Keeping a mortal alive here is a losing feat, even for you.”

“Maybe, but I have a feeling that anyone who fucks with Lucifer’s guest will have problems even bigger than me. He wouldn’t call a mortal down here unless he wanted something from her pretty badly.”

Jerrod huffed and crossed his arms. “Lucifer is fickle. He may want her now, but give him a few days and he’ll have moved onto something else. You’re away too much, brother. Lucifer isalwaysbored now.”

“Maybe, but you remember the time he had that pretty girl here? The one with the white hair?”

Despite the fair complexion, Jerrod paled as he gulped. “The girl caught a portal topside.”

“The idiot who let that happen didn’t get off too easily, did he?”

I didn’tneedto hear exactly what Lucifer had done to the poor person. Even without all the knowledge, I could venture a guess based on the fear in Jerrod’s eyes.

Which made me wonder, yet again, just what the fuck I was doing inhellheaded toward the very person who had put that fear into ahellhound’seyes.

Some rules people had to be taught, but some should have been basic knowledge.

One of thosehadto be that if a hellhound was afraid of something, maybe don’t go looking for it.

Of course, that implied I had a choice in the matter, and I wasn’t foolish enough to think that.

Jerrod smiled, all sharp lines. “Where are you headed? The Court?”

Hunter nodded, though he hadn’t relaxed. He might know the other hellhound, but he didn’t seem willing to let his guard down just yet.

“Are you going through Styx or taking the pass?”

Hunter’s jaw twitched, as if he didn’t like the question. “Styx.”

“Good idea, because I’ve heard the pass is awfully dangerous. Creatures there will tear apart anything for a meal, and that girl looksdelicious.” Jerrod shimmered and his other face, the one of a dragon with dripping fangs, stared at me.

Hunter made a sound that was so much like the one Jerrod had, an answer but with far more aggression. “Do you need another lesson about looking at her like that?”

Jerrod shook his head, turning from me. “No. I’ve never bested you before, and I doubt I’ll start now. I like to exploit weaknesses, and you’ve never had any.” Jerrod lifted his eyebrow. “At least, you didn’t used to…”

The speculation in Jerrod’s gaze couldn’t mean anything good, and a furious snarl from Troy said he’d read it for what it was.

Then again, even if Jerrod wanted to attack me, he had four ill-tempered males between us, and that made me feel far more comfortable.

“So I’ll see you in Styx, right?” Jerrod tore his gaze from me and looked at Hunter again.

Hunter rolled his shoulder before he nodded. “Yeah, sure.”

Jerrod offered up a smile that chilled me, one that made me try to take a step backward, before he shifted into that smoke form again and left.

And when Hunter turned back around?

Well, having him look nervous wasn’t something I liked…