I was far too sated and exhausted.

Grant waved his hands and muttered a few tired words before the scrape of wood against the floor filled the tent. The three beds slid until they were pressed side to side to make one large one, and just after Hunter pulled from me, I went to rise.

Moving sounded like the worst idea ever, but hell, I was sure I’d regret sleeping on the floor if I chose not to move instead.

As soon as I went to push myself up, however, strong hands caught my arm and helped. Once I was on my feet, Hunter lifted me against his chest.

Why that felt so nice, I was damn well not going to think about. It would only annoy me and make me feel like some damsel in distress. It was a far better choice to just enjoy it.

We settled into the bed, with Hunter all but tossing me into the center. Warm bodies settled in on each side of me, hard and tempting and already familiar.

I curled toward Grant, sliding my arm around him since he was smaller and thus easier to cuddle against. Not that Hunter seemed to mind. He melded to my back as if any speck of space were personally offensive to him.

“I like this,” I said softly, the darkness strangely more intimate than anything we’d just done.

“Good sex is something to like,” Grant said with a chuckle.

I shook my head, my forehead brushing his chest. “I’ve never fit in, never been a part of anything, never been wanted. Hell, I’ve never been able to just relax and enjoy anything because I always had to work so hard to be whatever I thought I was supposed to be. You—both of you—you know more about me than any other person ever has. It’s like…the first honest sex I’ve ever had.”

Grant went still, the sort that happened when a person had one of those ‘oh shit’ moments.

Did I say too much?

I tried to cover the lapse in judgment. “I know it doesn’t mean anything, I just…” I sighed. “Forget I said anything.”

Lips pressed to the top of my head and Hunter’s soft voice followed. “Close your eyes. Tomorrow will come quicker than you did.”

The joke helped break the tension, and I smiled, despite myself. To my amazement, I did fall asleep, and fast.

It seemed there were some benefits to going to bed sandwiched between two men, beyond the whole mind-blowing-orgasms thing.

* * * *

I squinted against the light outside the tent, but I couldn’t find the sun. A directionless brightness filled the sky, but it lacked a source.

Best add that to the other million weird things about this place.

My dress trailed on the ground, just enough to brush the dirt without catching on anything or tripping me. I’d needed something new since Hunter had gone all caveman on my shirt.

It had been sexy as hell the night before, but was a nuisance when I woke with nothing to wear.

Grant had gone out and found me a dress, one that matched what the other fae wore. This one was black with red trim, and swirls of red that came up from the bottom and disappeared near the waist, like flames.

I wasn’t a dress-type woman, but it was hard not to like this. I wanted to twirl, to let the billowy skirt flow around as I spun. It made me feel like a little girl again, one who wanted to pretend she was a princess.

Not that I’d had a lot of chances to play that game. It was much harder to pretend that when I was juggled from foster home to foster home as perfect little families who had thought I was an adorable kid realized I was more work than they’d wanted.

A kid who talks to dead people just isn’t much of a sell.

Outside the tent, Grant and Hunter waited. They spoke together, voices low, heads nodding. Funny to think the two could become such fast friends.

If only the other two hold-outs could manage it.

I thought about Troy and Kase talking calmly, and even that seemedfartoo unlikely a thing. It would be a miracle for them just not to kill one another.

Grant spotted me first, and his slow perusal of my body lit a fire inside me that had simmered since last night. How was it that one look could make me wonder if we had time to sneak back into the tent and try for a repeat?

We could hike my dress up and…