
“Do you actually think I’m going to let you sleep in my bed? I have a guest room for a reason, and even though I didn’t actuallyinviteyou to stay over, that’s where you’ll sleep.”

He let out a dark chuckle and walked toward the bed—and me. “I don’t think so, Ava. You have proven far too prone to trouble. Even when I hire you a skilled mage to keep an eye on you, you manage to nearly be mauled by a vampire, attacked by a poltergeist and lord only knows what else that you have hidden from me. I believe the only way I will rest enough to truly heal will be by your side, when I am certain you’re safe and behaving.”

I wanted to argue that none of those cases had been exactly my fault, and thathe’dbeen the one to set the entire thing in motion, but what was the point?

Kase was stubborn as the day was long and I could spend time fighting with him—and probably losing—or I could give in and get some sleep.

“Fine,” I snapped. “But I’m finding you something to wear.”

“I’m not a modest man, Ava. Yet another human thing I don’t ascribe to.”

It’s to protect my modesty, asshole.

When I turned to tell Kase there wasn’t a chance in hell he’d be getting in that bed naked—and hell seemed a fitting way to put it given our latest discovery—I was greeted with his back.

He’d dropped his towel and all that skin was on display. The sharp cut of his muscles continued on his back, down to his narrow waist and to a perfectly sculpted ass. I wasn’t typically an ass woman, but his could make a believer out of even me.

It all shocked me into silence long enough for him to pull the covers back and crawl into my bed.

Now I either had to fight with him some more—and even if he agreed to put something on, he’d have to get out from the covers and flash me again—or I had to accept I had a naked vampire in my bed.

Oh the things I did out of laziness…

Kase lookedfartoo comfortable in my bed as I climbed on beside him. He pulled the blanket up to his waist, which still put his entire upper body on display. I tried hard not to stare, to pretend this was some normal, platonic sleepover.

Which hadn’t worked out before. Was it even possible to have platonic sleepovers with men this good-looking around?

Kase leaned back, but instead of the smooth motion he usually had, he moved slower, strained.

“Are you hurt?”

Kase shifted. “A bit.” Him even admitting it said a lot.

“You don’t look hurt.”

“My body doesn’t bruise the way a human one would because of my blood, and the skin heals fast. I have a few broken bones, though, so even if it doesn’t look like it, Troy gave as good as he got.”

“Broken bones?”

He huffed as he settled against the headboard. “Don’t concern yourself. I’ll heal by tomorrow night.”

“I thought you all healed instantly?”

“Faster if I feed, but seeing as I doubt you want me calling a donor to come here, I’ll simply heal at a slower pace.”

Maybe it was selfish, but he was right…

After seeing the lust in Conner’s face when he’d discussed being bitten, I sure as hell didn’t want some woman to come in and service him. I pictured her with that same smitten look as Conner, then Kase with a smudge of red on his lips, the expression of someone entirely satisfied.

Fuck that.

But then I thought about him trying to heal those bones, and how he’d hurt all night, and how he’d healed my hand for me…

Damn it.

“What if you fed from me?”